Saturday, January 19, 2013

Jetter and the Gator

Family dogs generally have a basket full of dog toys. Toys are one of the main ways to let a dog know what belongs to the dog and what belongs to the people. Dog toys are more than play things for this reason.

Bailey has an overflowing basket of dog toys. Last year I got him a squeaky gator. I was sure he'd love it and he does.

This plushy toy has a dozen squeaky bubbles. Just about anyway Bailey mouths it, it lets out this fun squeak squeak squeak. He flips the squeaky gator dog toy up and over his head. He shakes his head and the squeaky gator dog toy goes flippin' back and forth like an old washing machine. It's delightful watching him have so much fun. Now, Bailey is over 110 lbs, but what I didn't know is small pups like this squeaky gator dog toy, too.

Over the Christmas holidays, we doggie-sat for our son's pup, Jetter. He's a Brussels Griffon.  He's a brown mix color and as sweet as can be. I think he weighs about 8 lbs. Can you see the sight. 110 lb. Bailey and 8 lb. Jetter? It was something. Amazingly, they got along quite well.

What surprised me was this little dog playing with Bailey's squeaky gator dog toy. He thrashed it back and forth with the same zest and zeal that Bailey does. Who knew? A little dog could love the same dog toy as a big dog does... and with the same enthusiasm. Wow!

Well, Jetter has gone home. I still think about what a sweet pup he is. I miss the little sweet guy, but maybe he'll be back for a play day. I wonder if dogs have play days?