Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happy Birthday to My Honey

Happy birthday to my honey. It's his special day. The day of his birth. His birthday day. Hooray!

Birthdays are the day when people celebrate the anniversary of birth. The day a person is born. It's the day you come into this world. It's the day when your mother welcomed you with the deepest of love that only comes from a mother. It's a day when family and friends show their love and caring with an extra good wish.  It's a day that's worth celebrating for no other reason than you are here.

People send the "happy birthday" wish, smile and sing the birthday song with joy in their heart to those they know who are having a birthday, because they want to make the person feel good. It truly is a day to be thoughtful and kind.

Some celebrate a birthday giving extraordinary gifts such a car for a son's 18th birthday or sending a daughter on a fab trip to Hawaii. Others give a shirt or tie, a sweater or blouse, a new pair of socks. Many give the best gift of all -- love.

Wouldn't it be a good idea to treat each other every day with the same kindness and courtesy and recognition as we do on the special day of the birth day.

The best part of sending well wishes is the universal truth that what you give you get. Life is a circle in that way. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. Everyone has a birthday. Everyone gets the birthday joy when their day to celebrate comes around.

Famous People
It interesting that famous people share his birth date. In this case, my honey who is my famous person... shares January 26 with Paul Newman (famous actor) and Douglas MacArthur, a U.S. general in WWII who said, "I shall return" long before Arnold Schwarzenegger made the phrase, "I'll be back" famous.

I'm particularly happy to wish my honey a happy birthday and many more. The light shines on you today, and it should. You have made life more joyful than I could have ever dreamed possible. You have given of yourself through the best of times and the worst of times. You are the most caring, kind and thoughtful person I know. You are unselfish and honest and generous. You give a million more than you get, and never ask for anything in return. I thank God for bringing our lives together and pray for your good health, safety and happiness. I send you all the love there is and more. Happy birthday honey that I love so much. Hugs.