Sunday, January 13, 2013

Are Tomatoes Healthy

My honey made lunch yesterday. He served tomatoes on the side. I wondered. Are tomatoes healthy? You have to wonder if this is just a myth Mom's proclaimed to get the kids to eat their vegetables? Is it really true. Are tomatoes really healthy for all ages?
First, tomatoes are red. Red food is healthy food. Think red apples, blood oranges, cherries, cranberries, red grapes, red grapefruit, red pears, pomegranates, raspberries, strawberries and watermelon. All good.

But that's not all… how about red beets, red peppers, red cabbage, radishes, radicchio, red onions, red potatoes, rhubarb and the tasty red tomato.

According to WebMD, tomatoes contain all four major carotenoids: alpha- and beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene. These carotenoids may have individual benefits, but also have synergy as a group (that is, they interact to provide health benefits). I guess the answer to are tomatoes healthy is a resounding, Yesiree bob.

Also, tomatoes contain awesome amounts of lycopene, thought to have the highest antioxidant activity of all the carotenoids.

Okay, I'm sold. Tomatoes are healthy, but why?

Evidentally, according to the University of Montreal, tomatoes reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer. Let's not overlook what a similar study from Ohio State University reports, "When tomatoes are eaten along with healthier fats, like avocado or olive oil, the body's absorption of the carotenoid phytochemicals in tomatoes can increase by two to 15 times." Holy cow, 15 times? That's incredible.

I was amazed to discover that the red tomato can even lower the possibility of death from heart disease. Tomatoes are not just healthy, they're golden.

Finally, you may smile to learn that you don't have to be a green gardener. No nasty green crawly thingies sliming along your fresh tomato plant on the porch.

You can get all the delight, taste and health benefits eating Mediterranean food such as spaghetti sauce and lasagna. Add a can of tomato soup to your lunch menu. Pour a can of stewed tomatoes over your next pot roast.

Grab a tomato and eat away. Why? What do you think? Myth? Or are tomatoes healthy?

Happy thoughts!