Thursday, September 1, 2011

Remember My Dog Dobe: Grief

It's been four years since our beloved dog died. I still remember him like is was yesterday that he was a playful pup. It is still painful, even though our sweet Bailey has joined our family.

He was a black Labrador, a mix, with some Chow. We had such a close bond that after four years I still grieve for him. I know that it seems odd to many people, especially those who don't have a dog. I know that we all die someday. But it feels so bad, I guess because the loss is so profound.
The pain does subside after time. It's like a movie replaying again and again called, "Remember My Dog Spot." In my movie memory, the minute I start to remember my dog spot, I cry. My heart breaks.

I wish I would have had some way to recover from the grief of loss. Since then, I  discovered there is help on how to emotionally cope with the death of a dog.

I did feel like a never wanted to get another dog, because he meant so much to me. He was a friend, a companion, a faithful "person" who was a joy to live with. Today, I remember my dog. He was a love that makes my heart happy, my lips smile and my eyes tear.

I'll never forget how he looked at me that last day when he laid his head down for the last time. My heart breaks. I try my best to remember the good times. But for some reason, the final days keep sneaking into my mind. I miss my dog.

That's it for today.