Tuesday, May 28, 2024

DF Soft Boiled Eggs for Diabetics

Here are my eggs for diabetics. It's how I cook soft boiled eggs and plan a meal around the eggs that I like to eat right up like a kid in a candy store.

Being a diabetic, I know that I need protein. I can get protein from eggs, which is great because I love eggs. I thought I couldn't eat eggs anymore, but I can eat 1 to 3 eggs a week to get the good food protein benefits.

I didn't have high blood cholesterol, but not paying attention as I should have put me with a cholesterol problem plus high blood pressure. I pay attention now.

Most diabetes educators agree that eggs in moderation are okay. Don't take my word for it, check with your doctor to see what's good and right for you.

I have always loved eggs, especially for breakfast. My favorite way to spoon them into my mouth is cooked soft boiled. I smear a bit on toast and take a great big bite. Yummy!

I sometimes crack the egg in half and put it on my plate in the shell. Other times I scoop them out of the shell. It's good both way. It just depends on whether I feel like scooping before or after. It's kind of a game. You know, more interaction with my food makes me feel as if I am eating more.

My Egg Breakfast Inspiration
It was Fried and I Prefer Soft Boiled

I was inspired by a wonderful recipe in the "Diabetes Meals for Good Health" cookbook on page 48, but I changed it up a bit to suit me and my egg eating preferences. After search high and low, this is by far the best cookbook for food choices and ideas for a diabetic. I love it!!!

I Like to Modify Recipes to Suit My Taste

I love a good recipe. I'm especially inspired by the awesome photos that now come in the best cookbooks. But sometimes, well most times, there is something about the recipe that I prefer to make a minor adjustment to.

In this meal plan, instead of a fried egg using a non-stick pan like page 48 says, I make soft-boiled eggs. They pretty much come out the same way and I don't have to worry about accidentally poking the yolk trying to slide it out of the pan with my flipper. I do not like to see the yellow part flow all over the bottom of the frying pan. When this happens, most of the time, the yolk cooks. I don't get my runny yolk eating pleasure.

I also only toasted up one slice of whole wheat, instead of the two shown in the photo. I did not put any butter on my toast. I am fine eating toast plain. That saves on fat from the butter (although I do keep Smart Balance Butter in the fridge for me). My honey uses the real butter. He doesn't have a problem with fat.

Anyway, I do eat a half of an orange with my breakfast. Instead of jam or jelly, I prefer yogurt. I add some wheat germ to my yogurt and stir. It is Yummy with a capital Y.

Try More Recipes
It's a wonderful experience to find a lovely recipe and modify it so it's fit for a diabetic. Try it.

What are Soft Boiled Eggs?
Most People Love 'Em or Hate 'Em

Soft boiled eggs... According to Wikipedia, boiled eggs are eggs cooked by immersion in boiling water with their shells unbroken.

You break them open when ready to eat. Sprinkle on some salt and pepper to taste, and enjoy.

Best egg timer ever

Soft boiled eggs are a nice way to eat poached eggs without a plate, although I prefer to plate my eggs rather than eat them out of an egg cup.

They are usually served with buttered toast, perfect for dipping into the runny yolk. Yup! That's what I do.

Tidbit: The egg timer was so-named due to its common usage in timing the boiling of eggs. Boiled eggs are a popular breakfast food in many countries around the world.

Mom's Eggs for Diabetics

Soft Boiled Eggs: Making My Breakfast

I start with a small quart pan. One that has a lid.

For this mornings breakfast, I put two medium size eggs in the bottom of the pan.

I added cold water. Enough to cover the eggs.

I set the uncovered pan filled with 2 eggs and cold water on the stove burner.

I turned the setting to high.

I set my kitchen timer to exactly 6 minutes and 30 seconds and wait for the water to come to a full boil.

I removed the pan from the hot burner and put a cover on the pan.

I let the pan stand covered with pan lid for 5 minutes. If I let it stand for 7 minutes, the eggs are still soft, but much closer to hard boiled. I've tried 6 minutes and 7 minutes. It's a matter of taste. I like 5 minutes and 30 seconds. That's a little more done than runny, but still runny. So I set my kitchen timer again and react quickly when it goes off.

When the timer goes off, I immediately remove the pan lid, take the pan to the sink, drain off most of the hot water, and run cold water in the pan until the remaining hot water is cool to the touch. This stops the eggs from continuing to cook.

When I can easily pick up the egg from the pan's water, I put it on my breakfast plate. I tap the egg about in the middle using a serrated knife to begin to break egg in half. I don't cut the egg in half. I just use the knife to start a crack in the egg shell.

I use fingers to pull egg completely into two halves. I usually put the two halves on my plate, but sometimes, I scoop the egg out of the shell out onto my plate with small teaspoon.

This soft boiled egg breakfast meal can easily be adapted for two.

2 eggs
1 -2 slices wheat bread plain or toasted
1 orange sliced in halves
Sugar-free yogurt
2 tsp wheat germ
Glass of 2% milk

Fill small pan with water. Put 2 eggs in pan uncovered on stove over high heat until the water boils. About 6-7 minutes. Remove from heat, cover pan. Let stand for 5 minutes. 6 minutes for more doneness, and 7 minutes for eggs to be nearly hard boiled. Remove from heat, drain, and add cold tap water to stop cooking. When cool enough to touch, remove from water, prick shell and break egg shell apart with two hands. Plate in shell, or scoop out egg from shell and set on plate.

Cut toast and set on edge of plate. Add half of the orange slices as garnish on plate. Stir wheat germ into yogurt and serve as accompaniment along with glass of chilled milk. Enjoy!

While Waiting for Water to Boil

While I'm waiting for the eggs to cook to the soft boiled stage I want, I prepare my breakfast plate with toast and orange slices.

Add two teaspoons of wheat germ to yogurt and stir, and pour myself a glass of milk.

That's it.

The whole thing takes me less than 10 minutes.

Serves: 1-2
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes

Other Ways to Cook Eggs for Diabetics

I know that there are many other ways to cook eggs for diabetics. I myself have other favorite ways to eat eggs and still maintain my diabetic meal planning. If you have a preference or an idea that's good eating for someone like me with this stay-healthy food thingie, please let me know. I could use all the help I can get. Thanks.

That's it for today, blog.