Saturday, April 21, 2012

How to Make Gluten-Free Butter Pecan Cookies for Sweet Sunday

Happy Saturday! This past week, my honey has inquired about these gluten-free butter pecan cookies a couple of times. He says, "those cookies you make are sure good..." When my honey asks me about something like this, he really means that he wants me to make that something. It's his subtle hint hint.

What I especially like about my cookie recipe is how quick and easy it is to make. Another perk is that my recipe makes a small batch. Love this. I do not want 3 or 4 dozen cookies laying around, because we no longer have a house full of kids.  Too many sweets are not the best choice for us.

In order to keep a handle on how often I put sweets on the menu, my solution was to create a day for dessert. I chose Sunday because this is the day we usually have a nice big meal. I call it Sweet Sunday, but it only is sweet once or twice a month.

"Sweet Sunday" solves three problems: First, my honey knows when sweets shows up in the kitchen, (2) it puts a self-imposed limit on how often we eat dessert, and (3) it makes it easy for me to plan and shop.

I particularly like this little pecan nutty cookie, because there's a couple of cookies for after dinner; leftovers to put one in my honey's lunchbox for a day or two or three; and he can have one for a snack after work, too. Nice.

The ingredients are basic staples in the pantry, so I can make them whenever the thought pops into my head... or when my honey drops a hint.

Now, it might be curious to wonder why I bake cookies or any desserts because I really shouldn't be eating sugary sweets. The answer is easy. I make these for my honey. I don't eat them except to taste initially. I say, "These all for you, honey, all for you." I think he gets a little smile when he hears me say these words. Here's the recipe. Try it.

Butter Pecan Cookies Recipe

3/4 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup all-purpose flour or gluten-free rice flour

1. Preheat oven to 350°. On a baking sheet, toast pecans until fragrant, about 6 minutes. Let cool completely; finely chop.

2. With an electric mixer, cream butter for about a minute.  Add 1/3 cup sugar and cream until light, about 1 minute more. Beat in vanilla, salt, and flour, scraping down sides of bowl, just until dough comes together. Fold in pecans.

3. Separate dough into 12 pieces; break apart dough into equal-size balls. Place, 3 inches apart, on a baking sheet.

4. Gently flatten with the bottom of a glass (reshape sides if necessary). Don't flatten too much. You want to flatten from the "ball" but still have the cookie come out sort of plump when the baking is done.

5. Bake until golden brown, rotating sheet halfway through, about 15 minutes. Cool cookies on a wire rack.

Be sure to let cool long enough or they will crumble in your hands when you try to pick one up.

Serving Size: 1 or 2
Yield: 12 delicious cookie snacks

Note: I use gluten-free brown rice flour instead of all purpose flour (and granulated Splenda instead of sugar, sometimes). The cookies turn out absolutely fabulous. No difference that I can tell, except the health benefits.

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