Thursday, May 24, 2012

Why Do So Many Recipes Call for Garlic?

When I think of garlic, I immediately think of bad breath and vampires. But garlic is a great flavoring agent and it has medicinal uses for many conditions including respiratory problems, poor digestion and low energy.

Many claim that garlic helps to prevent high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease (including atherosclerosis) and cancer. Wow!

I'm impressed with garlic's ability to lower blood pressure.

I didn't know that garlic belongs to the onion family. But I did know that garlic is a wonderful seasoning. That's why so many recipes call for garlic. It adds aroma, taste and added nutrition to your recipes.

Garlic cloves have amazing levels of vitamins and minerals including a rich source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, copper, iron, calcium, selenium, magnesium, zinc and manganese.

I am going to guess that something like 70 or 80% of the dinner meals I cook include garlic. We love it.

If you enjoy the taste of garlic in your food, cut it small: The smaller you cut it, the stronger the flavor. Chopping it finely or putting garlic cloves through a garlic press exposes more surfaces to the air. This causes a chemical reaction that produces a nice strong aroma and potent flavor.

For a small vegetable, garlic (Allium sativum) sure has a big, and well deserved, reputation. Although garlic may not always bring good luck, protect against evil or ward off vampires, it is guaranteed to transform any recipe into a bold, aromatic and healthy culinary experience. Hoorah for garlic!