Friday, June 8, 2012

How to Find Time to Do What You Need to Do

Happy Friday to you. Wow! I can't believe how fast time goes by. It's been a busy week. Everyday was filled up to the top with so many things to do.

How does anybody find time to do what you need to do?

Well, I found an answer to that question last Sunday when Tiger Woods won the Memorial Golf Tournament. We're huge fans, so this was a smile day for us. Yes, Tiger is one of the greatest golfers of all time, and no one would argue that he's made some costly choices. But look at what he did Sunday. Nice result of what I'm sure took time and effort. I know how he did it.

Most people lead busy lives, and when there is "spare" time, many feel too tired to do anything that requires energy or thought. Lounging in front of the TV or taking a nap is the easier choice. I know it is for me. But because I have health issues — I have less choice.

1. I have to test my glucose four times a day.
2. I have to take insulin injections every 12 hours.
3. I take two timed medications once a day.

I also have to drink a glass of water every hour, because I have severe pain in both feet. Drinking a lot of water eases the pain. If I don't drink my water throughout the day, my feet hurt so much I can't sleep. The happy outcome is less pain and a good night's sleep.

I reveal this scheduling only to show that if I do not put in the time to do what I have to do — the outcome is pain, shorter life and death. Pretty strong motivation.

But how do you find time to do what you need to do without such inspiring motivation? If YOU really want to find time to do what you need to do... Think about the outcome, because whatever you're doing or not doing... there's always an outcome — good or bad.

Being Grand takes a "can do" attitude. That's what I was reminded of when Tiger Woods played golf and won last Sunday. After all that happened in his life, he overcame a four-shot deficit to put 67 on his scorecard and claim his fifth win at Muirfield Village, plus it was the 73rd win of his PGA Tour career, tying him with Jack Nicklaus. That is an inspiring outcome.

Whether it's figuring out how to cut expenses, save money for retirement, lose 20 lbs, or play an amazing round of golf — focus on the outcome... because the consequence of whatever you do results in an outcome, good or bad. When you need motivation to find the time, just picture the outcome YOU want.

That's it for this week. Be well. Be safe. Be happy and have a Fantabulous weekend!