Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Dog Smiles

Every now and then, I look across the room and smile when I see Bailey, our little 110 lb pup. Well, he's 110 lbs now. He had to go on a diet from when he was 134 lbs. For this rambunctious dog, sluggish has no place in his life. He is  a wild and crazy dog. He is a happy dog. He doesn't just wag his tail, he wags his whole behind. He even smiles. Really. Just look at this picture of Bailey smiling. Is that the face of a happy pup or what?

This precious gift to my life has good reason to smile.  He is loved. He has good food, medicine and regular Vet visits. He gets a bath every other week. He gets his nails done and his teeth brushed. He has about 50 toys... all different sizes and textures... and a toy basket to keep his toys in -- and he's learning to put his toys away. He has a comfy bed, his own couch, a chair, blankies, treats and plenty of exercise. His food and water bowls sit in a neck-high table so he doesn't have to stretch his neck to eat or drink. He recognizes many words and communicates extraordinarily well -- either that or he has us well trained. Hah ha.

Having a dog in your home is like God's kiss. It's a blessing. It's the same as seeing your heart smile and smile and smile.

I've enjoyed the love of many dogs in my life. I've known the emptiness of not having a dog share my day.  Wouldn't it be great if when you're born, you get a dog to take home. The only real problem with living with a dog is their short life span. Falling in love with your dog brings severe heartbreak when their day is done. So enjoy every moment. Take not one second for granted. Talk to your dog, pet that pup, and feel the smiles in your heart. It's good medicine. It feels good inside. It even makes you a better person. A dog really is the best friend anyone could have.  You can train a dog to be what you want...  a social butterfly or companion, even a fierce guard dog... because a dog wants to please.  All you have to do is help the dog understand what you want. Once he does... Voila!

Thanks for following along. Happy thoughts and well wishes for a smile-filled day!