Hello, blog. It's all about the guck around our kitchen faucet. Yuk! Now, company probably thinks this is black dirt, or worse… mold. But no that's not it. We have a white faucet, and this yucky looking black is the pipe beneath the white enamel.
You see, after years and years of washing dishes and whatnot in the sink, the base of the faucet has worn the white enamel down to nothing.
We are sure of this because we have used several cleaning products and scrapers only to SURPRISE SURPRISE notice that it's the enamel that has vanished. The 'black yuk" is the pipe showing through. Not yuk at all. [good news to us]
Whew! Long story short, blog, we need a new faucet in the kitchen. But whoa partner, the faucet is no good without a new sink. Our sink has also lost some of its finish. Chaching, there's goes the wallet.
Now, says my honey, if we replace the faucet and sink, well, the garbage disposal needs new, too. It will basically get the "ring thingie" destroyed when the sink is changed out. So, hmmm, let me add those coins up in my head.
Okay, great. No problem. Let's do it. But… wait again. Now, my honey says, "If we're going to the trouble and expense of changing the kitchen faucet, sink and garbage disposal, we might as well pick out a new dishwasher, too."
Yikes! What's that total in dollars? I think getting a new garbage disposal is a good idea. Ours is old and a nice new quiet model would be much better… but a new dishwasher, too??? I didn't know ours was broken.
I love to upgrade, but this meal ticket is growing faster than bunnies multiply. [GAD!]
Long story short, I agreed with my honey's logic and we're doing the whole shabang. SURPRISE! One more expense. The plumber. Of course. This kitchen upgrade requires a professional. Now, maybe one of those replacements would fit in my honey's honey-do-list, but not the works that we've decided on. So, tick tick tick, the total is an eye-buster. [swallow swallow]
This is not exactly driving us to the poorhouse, but it's a healthy chunk of moolah. The saving grace is that after it's done, I know I will be glad. I will love it.
That's the news, blog. It's sink or swim [leaks be gone] Forgot to mention the cause for all this figuring, deducing and justifying. A mysterious leak that puddles on the floor. Origin unknown.
Deep breath...