It's been a day of dull pain with one of my toothies. But it is a pain smasher whenever I see my loyal dog by my side. There is a throb in my heart for my pup that outweighs the pain in my tooth. [Sappy, but sincere!]
Hello blog! [Yup!] It's unfortunately for me true. I have the beginnings of a toothache. My bad, because I had a root canal last month. I still have the temporary filling due to life's challenges. So many events have had to come first… before the fateful trip back to my dentist.
My mouth may feel pain, but I took a break a bit ago to watch the news about the tsunami in Japan. It makes my toothache seem so small, smaller than small.
You know how big my heart is for dogs... Watching TV, I saw a happy pooch on the screen. He looked like a German Shephard, maybe fours years old. He seemed to be searching through the rubble probably looking for his master or some scent of his former home. Dogs know these things. In fact, their sense of smell is a thousand times greater than ours, and that's putting it mildly. It was a sad sight.
I'm sure his bewilderment is hurtful as I believe dogs do feel hurt and sadness. Not like we humans, but a sense just the same. This lone pup will probably find food and shelter faster and easier than the victims. A simple reality.
My pup is safe… and we are safe tucked neatly in our four walls still standing and in a beautiful city on a sunny, but brisk day. I can hear kids playing Marco Polo out in the street... [Bailey makes it known that he too can hear the frolicking fun. Barkity bark bark bark] I am grateful for the life I have. Even a little toothache cannot compare to the feeling of helplessness that the tsunami victims must feel. So I'll just shut my mouth and thank God that my only problem today is a dull pain in my mouth.
That's it for now, blog. I look forward to more pleasant experiences in the days to come.
Have a happy and safe day!