Sad and gloomy, dejected. Downcast. Flattened down. Suffering. That is how the dictionary defines depressed. I had to look it up because my heart feels rank and I want to feel fun, aromatic, sweet. [Too gooey?]
Depression can freeze the spirit and cover a person's good with noise. Professionals say that depression is a serious biologic disease that affects millions of people each year.
Although no single cause of depression has been identified, many pharma types claim that what causes depression is interaction among genetic, biochemical, environmental, and psychosocial factors. Why don't they just say, people and living daily lives can put you in a funk?
The fact is, depression is not a personal weakness or a condition that can be willed or wished away, but it can be successfully treated, so they say. I flinch. I can't fix how I feel myself? The feeling of depression requires help from a healthcare professional? Pills? Hmmm. This may be right.
Am I sad? Downcast? Flattened? Am I depressed? Yikes! I hope that having a bad day doesn't mean I am sunk and the bad news is that once sunk, there are no life jackets unless I see the doctor.
This is a conundrum. My mind jitters with ideas. How do I know the difference between guck messing up my thoughts, and a depressive onslaught?
I looked it up. According to the some, you see five or more of the following symptoms for most of the day, nearly every day for at least 2 weeks. At least one of the symptoms must be either persistent sad or "empty" feelings or loss of interest in activities. Hmmm, Yikes, does off and on count? I may be depressed. Oh no, let's see that list.
1. Constant sadness
2. Irritability
3. Hopelessness
4. Trouble sleeping
5. Low energy or fatigue
6. Feeling worthless or guilty for no reason
7. Significant weight change
8. Difficulty concentrating
9. Loss of interest in favorite activities
Lastly. Do any of these symptoms affect my ability to function at home, in the office working, with family, friends or business associates? Does cranky panky count?
I guess I am not depressed. That depresses me. [Joking]
Good night, blog. Sleep sound and wake up happy.