I get deep in thought about this from time to time. My life, like everyone born on this earth, marches around the garden sometimes enjoying the sights and sounds… and sometimes finding solace. I feel as if life is a flower from the first bloom to the slow wilt and then bloom be gone. But what I see today is an isolated flower in a garden of wisdom.
What I feel is loss, wasted learning, the distress that many flowers in the garden of life refuse or are just not awakened to the success and mistakes of the flowers on the other side of bloom. I guess what I am trying to say is why oh why do new blossoms have to start at the beginning of the footpath through the garden of life. It doesn't make sense to me, yet that's what happens.
Just think how much more fulfilling and prosperous life could be if you could start 100 yards down that footpath? Would a new flower have 10 times more success in life? Live a longer life? Get to the money tree faster? If only new flowers reached out to their elders, what could happen? But then reaching out isn't enough… youngsters need to listen, believe and apply the wisdom of the ones who planted their seed in the garden. Who does that these days?
Instead, for many, it looks to me as if some young stems lean the opposite way. They reject the seeders, face the sun, and get burned, which shortens life… or at a minimum… this behavior makes a beautiful bloom become dark on the inside. Hmmm, I may be overboard a bit but who really listens to their parents today.
I mix my thoughts here with the joy that my children have blossomed into beauties. They each and one have carved a path through the garden. Some paths of these have rocks and thorny droppings, but they smooth the way as they go. Very nice. I'd like to take some credit for this joyful outcome. I only wish that the walkway might be less troublesome.
Well, blog, my mind doeth wonder today. Words to cultivate. Thoughts to plot and bed. Okay, I do get maudlin.
That's it, blog. Have a no weeds day!