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Kim (Mom), Kory, Gregg (Dad) |
After the family and friends get-together, what's next for you after college? What does your future hold?
Some students see college as a major goal that's done when reached. But in fact it is really just a step on the ladder of life. Part of life's journey is figuring out who you are and what you value. It will be an easy task for you, because you my Kory are firmly anchored by a loving family.
For me, Kory's Gma, I say that Kory has had the better part of a blessed family life. Life with family [so good]. Great parents. Gorgeous sister. Awesome grands (as in grandparents), Aunts, Uncles, Cousins galore and best of all, his dog Star.
I am the fortunate one who held Kory in my arms when he was born. I could instantly see that this child is a gift to the world. I knew he would grow up to be kind, sensitive and caring. It was all there, in his baby face. He will inspire others, I thought. On that the 29th day in March as I gently hugged this precious child in my arms, I whispered to him "The world will be a better place because of you." I don't know if he heard me. So small was he then. But those were my first words to him, and I believe it still true today.
My honey too held Kory wrapped in baby's blanket the day he was born. A few weeks later, Gpa flew in by air to be with this baby boy on the day we celebrated his baptism. [Yes] Gpa was joyous as we and all your family, smiled with happy hearts and dined on caviar and champagne that blessed day. Yum!
It wasn't long before I was more happy to watch him take his first steps. Just a few weeks later, I was witness to him toddling down the sidewalk. It was such a happy sight that I can still picture in my mind with a tear in my eye. Happy. Happy.
OMG, I remember the call I got that struck lightening fear in my soul. Kory had fallen and fell against the stoop on the fireplace at home. I can't remember, but I think he was riding his toy bike when it toppled over. Kim called. Kory fell down. He had a gash in his head. Oh no. Please God, keep this boy safe and well. Please God I prayed as my honey and I raced to be with this grand boy. Believe it. It was one of the worst moments, but God is generous and Kory was not damaged. Just a bit hurt as boys will be boys. Even baby boys. [smile]
Kory aced elementary school. My honey and I attended every Grandparents Day event at his school that there was. Now, these are moments in time that will never be gone. Just proud days to treasure. I saw him honored as he gained achievements in the Scouts. [Yes] My honey and I were there, sitting in those folding chairs watching with joy. Standing as we put our hands together to applaud Kory's continuing accomplishments. More happy times.
Kory flew through high school like a warm spoon through butter. It seemed so easy for this bright boy. But I'm sure it only looked easy as he studied long and hard to earn the best of grades that measure his scholarship. It was inevitable that college came and now is done.
All along his journey through school, Kory met challenges as any civilized, educated, sensitive, well-mannered boy to man does. He grew into a true gentleman. For that I am thankful, but not surprised. This was his destiny I saw from the moment I looked with joy into his newborn baby face. He smiled at me and I knew.
Kory, the college graduate, is a young man having qualities of refinement associated with a good family. A man who is cultured, courteous, and well-educated. He is Kory, my grandson.
After school years of hard work, I'm sure you're raring to get on with life, dear Kory. You should be elated, and you are. Life after all the papers, professors, and pencils can be tons of fun and very exciting. It's like the day after Christmas: You're sad it's over but what's yet to come? This time of your life is like the weather. This sunny day closes when night falls, but leads to the next one and the next and next.
Continue to enjoy your journey after college graduation. Make life as good as good gets. Here's some food for thought as I know you already know.
- Consider every decision a major decision.
- Weigh the *long term* consequences before you act. Say to yourself, "What happens if… "
- Most of all, Kory my grandson, consult your parents for they have wisdom already tried and tested. I am here for you as well. Ask and you shall receive my wisdom on which to weigh the steps on the ladder of your life.
More from me... [Yes] here are your Gma's five pieces of advice that I know will serve you well. It's my gift of wisdom to take on your journey [in no particular order]
(1) Find a way to keep in touch with college classmates through the years to come. Email, cards, text. It's not difficult these days.
(2) If you haven't already, start a Roth IRA and fund it to the max as quickly as possible.
(3) Commit to save at least $10 every week and don't draw it out until after you retire.
(4) I'm not sure you have any, but if you do, pay off any school loans you may have as fast as you can (faster).
(5) Always always come home to see your mom at Christmas. She deserves it.
Proud we are. Proud of you, our grandson named Kory. Love and hugs to the one. The one I love that's you. My grand of grands. [pitter patter goes my heart]. So many congratulations that I can't count. It's just many. A lot. Your Gma and Gpa celebrate your graduation. We celebrate you.
That's all for today.