I was in a hurry and did have a few ingredient issues. For example, I used Rosarita brand rather than the one I always use. My honey was the shopper of the day, and that's what he came home with. No need to hurt his feelings. It was a one-time deal.
The rice I made was a new recipe that I was experimenting with and it was incredible. Best Spanish Rice I ever made. A keeper. It just goes to prove that even a traditional recipe can be improved on.
My reason for fixing this feast was my wonderful son, Steven. He has his birthday girl wife, Tara, came over for a favor. In the 100 degree heat, they spent the better part of day installing a brand new garage door opener. They would not let me pay them. Not even a few dollars for lunch. I promised to make them a Mexican dinner. I saw a huge smile. That was August 10th.
Well, I will wait. I am going to go and plan my next meal. I am thinking tamales - just like my Grama Salazar used to make. I spent plenty of days looking over her shoulder. I think my dad enjoyed that.
I discovered an interesting Mexican food cookbook. If you love Mexican food recipes, check this out. It's slightly different from the style I cook up, but I'm sure it's good.
Well, that's my Mexican food for thought this evening, blog. I'll report my progress on the tamales. I have to think on what goes with. Bye for now.
That's it for today.