I repurposed the leftover pot roast I had from the last two pot roast meals, made a gravy, chopped the cooked potato and carrots to a fine morsel size, tossed, topped with a raw egg and slid the dish into the oven.
It looked so yummy, but my honey exclaimed it to be too "creamy" and I think he was referring to the gravy part I added. Oh woe is me, I ruined the meal, wasted the leftovers and felt like a kitchen slug. I think it was more of a stew than hash. Oh well...
On a good note, we both had a nice meal, but this not a keeper. I will not be making leftover roast beef hash again… at least not this recipe. I know what not to do again. Yikes! Kazameroni and hello lesson learned.
That's it for today, blog.