Last year, the winter weather in Texas was ultra icy cold. The cold turned to snow. Lots of frozen snow. We couldn't even get the car out of the garage. It lasted about a week.
The electricity went out, but thanks to the State of Texas, we got it on quickly, but had rolling blackouts on a timed schedule. My honey had to hike it to the corner drug store to get food for Bailey. The cold outside got us thinking about keeping our dog warm. Something we took for granted. After all, our home is warm. But then, suddenly, it wasn't.
In our case, we were lucky that we had a doggie jacket for Bailey. I had bought it on a whim. Most people don't buy doggie clothes for big dogs. Small dogs are naturals for dressing up. Dressing them up is an extension of their love for them. There are, however, obvious practical reasons to consider apparel for any size dog.
People who have a dog and live in severe winter climates, or have dogs who live primarily live indoors -- should keep in mind that even though their pet has fur, the dog may need protection from the outdoor elements... because like people, dogs acclimate to their indoor surroundings. Also, keep in mind, that while a dog's pads are less sensitive than our own feet, they are still sensitive to cold temperatures like walking on cold cement.
Bailey has his own comfy jacket just for the cold. He is warm and cozy... so far this year with lots of bedding blankies, too. Is your dog ready for the cold winter days?