Now, mind you, this yellow junk didn't show up until pup was up there, about 12 years old. I noticed but didn't, if you know what I mean. I definitely didn't like it. I found out what the reason was and how to avoid it in the future.
Doggie dental hygiene is for dogs as well as us humans. Who knew. I'm blank on this subject. I guess I just never thought beyond the dental treats. According to the package, just feed the dog a couple of dental treats and you're good to go. Wrong. We also bought our pup some "dental toys." Not good enough? No.
A dog's toothies are supposed to be nice and white. Bailey's definitely are milk white. If the dog's teeth look yellow or dark yellow, it could be a symptom of something more than yellow teeth and bad breath. The dog's gums may be sick, too. A dog's gums are supposed to be pink, my favorite color. White teeth, pink gums equal good health for your dog.
Yellow teeth are the result of plaque build up just like in humans. It grows on the teeth and turns into tartar. As most know (I've been to the dentist a few agonizing times) tartar can eventually mean gum disease. It also affects dog's teeth, but worse it could be a symptom that something's up in other parts of a dog's body. It was for Wolf Man.
dog toothpaste
When Bailey came home from the breeder as a pup, we immediately started brushing his teeth. I started with a rubber finger cover. It's made for small dogs and puppies. I put the thingie over my finger, add some doggie toothpaste and rub my pup's toothies.
Later, when Bailey got older and much bigger (110 lbs), I switched to a tooth brush. I squeeze on a line of Peanut Toothpaste peanut butter dog toothpaste flavor doggie toothpaste and brush away. I start on top and brush just like I do for myself, except that I have an electric toothbrush. Anyway. Every morning when I turn on my electric toothbrush to brush my teeth, Bailey comes a running. He's so excited. He, not so patiently, waits for me to be done. I then, get his toothbrush.
As I move the toothbrush toward his teeth, he lifts up his lip almost like he's going to snarl, but not. He's welcoming the toothbrush. It's a sight. I tried to get a picture, but no luck. I always smile, but sometimes I can't help laughing. Of course, Bailey gets a bacon flavored treat for being a good boy.
Like most pet owners, I started brushing Wolf Man's (our little Lhasa dog) teeth after seeing the yellow guck, but it didn't help get rid of it. It only helped not get more. Dental care for a dog is important. So start early. Brushy brushy brushy. Happy day.