Let's start with a blessing from Isaiah 40:31
“Lord, renew my strength as I wait upon You;
let me mount up with wings like eagles; let me run and not be weary; let
me walk and not faint.”
It's shop for Sunday Dinner recipes. This Sunday dinner recipe, Lobster stars in a modest 3-course meal with from Red Lobster Kitchen, Boston Salad, Peanut Butter Pie and suggestions for wines. You can certainly add more courses.
Clawed lobsters are large marine crustaceans. Highly prized as seafood, lobsters are economically essential as one of the most profitable commodities in coastal areas.
Lobsters follow the "warmth" of the water, so they move from the deeper water to shallower water in the summer months. Because of this it is easier to catch them in the summer, boats don't have to go out as far. Because they are easier to catch the old supply and demand factor kicks in and the price becomes more attractive.
Lobsters shed their shell, usually in the spring, and grow a new one. These new shells are where the soft shells come from.
A hard shell, just before the shed, will be stuffed with meat. A soft shell, while easier to eat, will have less meat inside the shell. Some people think the soft shell has "sweeter" meat.
The negative part of the hard shell lobster is the price, because there is less supply, (in winter) they tend to be more $/lb.
Lobster recipes include Lobster Newberg and Lobster Thermidor. Lobster is used in soup, bisque, lobster rolls and cappon magro. Lobster meat may be dipped in clarified butter, resulting in a sweetened flavor.
Cappon magro or capòn magro is an elaborate and rich Genoese salad of seafood and vegetables over hard tack arranged into a decorative pyramid and dressed with a rich sauce. It doesn't always feature lobster.
Grilled rock lobster is as crisp and snappy as can be. Lightly seasoned but still packed with flavor, this specialty leaves only butter and lemon to be desired.
Savory Grilled Rock Lobster
Serves 2
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. paprika
1/8 tsp. white pepper
1/8 tsp. garlic powder
1/8 cup olive oil
1 tbsp. lemon juice
2 ten-ounce rock lobster tails, thawed
Split rock tails lengthwise with a large knife. Mix seasoning with oil and lemon juice. Brush meat side of tail with marinade. Pre-heat grill and place rock tails meat side down and grill five to six minutes until well scored. Turn over lobster and cook another six minutes, brushing often with remaining marinade. Lobster is done when it is opaque and firm to the touch.
Serve with drawn butter and fresh lemon, or for an interesting twist, roasted garlic can be added to butter.
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Salad, Boston salad | Dessert, Peanut butter pie |

Dinner Wine, White, Chardonnay, Blanc du Bois, Semillon
Dessert Wine, White, Orange Muscat
Dessert wines are typically chilled and served in a lovely wine glass. Keep the serving size at about half the usual pour, two to three ounces.
The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) is proud to play a role in the continuing success of the Texas wine industry. Find these Texas wines at Kroger, HEB, Randall’s, Fiesta, Whole Foods Market and Central Market.
In recent studies, the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) assigns a number of health benefits to regular, moderate wine consumption. The most widely reported benefit is The French Paradox, a theory that credits the drinking of red wine for the low incidence of heart disease in France – despite a famously high-fat, high-cholesterol diet.
Scientists note wine contains antioxidants and resveratrol, elements believed to be helpful in the prevention of certain diseases. Red wine consumption (and to a lesser degree, white wine) is linked to a number of health benefits, including: heart disease prevention; reduced risk of certain cancers; lowering bad cholesterol; weight loss; improved brain function; controlling glucose and insulin levels; and lowering blood pressure.
Most studies cited here recommend consumption of one or two glasses of wine a day with meals, noting the detrimental effects of over-consumption.