October 2015. Socialism and capitalism are opposite schools of thought in economics.
The basic difference is debated as economic equality versus the role of
Socialists claim inequality is bad. The government should balance
it out so "everyone" is equal. The problem with that thinking is who
works and who freeloads?
In other words, if you work hard, your income is taxed and the tax money
is given to those who don't work. That's the simple explanation.
Yes, if you're poor, you might feel envy, because you don't earn as much
money. But guess what? Even the poor are taxed in a socialistic
society. When left unchecked, the "work to earn and pay tax" could even
evolve to the point where everyone is forced to work — like it or not.
It might even get worse. Paychecks could be confiscated by the government; then you would be "provided" a place to live the same as your neighbor, maybe even the same place. Of course, you wouldn't have to worry about shopping. The same food and uniform clothes would be awarded to you and your neighbor alike. That's equality under socialism.
In a socialist society, it could even get worse than that. You and your neighbor could be punished if you fail to work. Your survival could be threatened if you fail to do what you're told. You lose your free will. You do not have free choice.
The government chooses for you. Obamacare is partly evidence of that. Socialism does not offer any opportunity for you to excel to your full potential. If your son or daughter is super smart and lands a job as a doctor or lawyer or engineer, that paycheck is the same as the fellow who works the register at Walmart. Is that the society you want?
An advanced form of Socialism is Communism. No one wants a repeat of that.
Socialism is not social gathering at the neighbor's home. It's no picnic. Under Barack Obama, America has already experienced the effect of socialism. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton want to dish out more to you and yours.
The Democrat New World Order spells death to liberty and a complete conversion into a socialist fascist state.
The problem with socialism is how nice it sounds to say sentences like, "That way everyone is equal." The truth is everyone is not equal, and will never be equal, not in intelligence, physical abilities, creative ingenuity or heart.
People are different and these differences are not equal. Yes, those less qualified individuals may not achieve the same level of success or income as your son or daughter who is an achiever.
But they will be on their way to a better life when they are allowed to work and earn and apply their earnings to live the life that makes them happy. That's called capitalism.
Capitalism offers the pursuit of happiness, whatever that may be, equally by each and everyone's abilities without hinderance from force or excessive taxation.
In a capitalistic society, you are free to work and prosper. Yes, in America today, many people help those less fortunate — because they are free to do so. With capitalism, no one is forced to pay. It's voluntary as it should be in a free capitalistic society.
In fact, in America, when people are happy, have a decent-paying job, less tax, access to free-choice healthcare, feel safe and secure, there is every reason to believe that everyone enjoys a better life.
The truth is, that even though the United States is considered a country that embraces capitalism, it also has programs that are socialistic in nature. Programs such as Social Security and Medicare. These are programs where working people paid in, so they could later draw out.
Socialism leans left. It's liberal thinking, but not in the sense of freedom each individual wants, but to the level of unrestricted freedom government has to decide for you — what's best for you.
It's progressive thinking. That doesn't mean "progressive" as in advanced education and intellect that ends up with America on the moon. For Democrats, progressive means — re-educate YOU to their way of thinking.
Under the dominate rule of Barack Obama, America today leans left, leans socialist, leans toward the "rule of YOU." No matter what the left says about Wall Street, no matter how loud they cry economic inequality, the truth is the inequality largely widened as a result of Obama's role in mangling our government.
John F. Kennedy knew what could happen. June 11, 1962, he told Americans, "The greatest enemy of truth is very often not the lie - deliberate, contrived and dishonest - but the myth — persistent, persuasive and unrealistic."
Barack Obama has created a mythical world. It's his world. But the truth — and the facts are that he stamped out every vestige of opportunity for everyone. Obama has literally obliterated the middle class. The poor are poorer. The country is less safe. America's debt has exploded.
If YOU do NOT like what's happening. Vote Republican to restore the American Dream.
Barack Obama is the perfect example of Progressive, Liberal Socialism thinking. Click here to listen to how the Democratic Party started. Remember, it was Democrats who embraced slavery. Democrat Lyndon Johnson was a raving racist. He dreamed up the strategy to "keep those nig**rs voting Democrat for the next 200 years." That's what Johnson said. It's a matter of record. Like it or not, it's true.
First, Obama insists on ruling as if America is his monarchy. He insists on HIS way. He rejects anyone who disagrees, fails to go along with the "Progressive Democratic Party of Obama."
It's well known that the Nazis forced millions of Jews into slave labor during the Holocaust. In addition to Jews, the Nazis targeted Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses and the disabled.
Voters can recall Democrat Hillary Clinton's flip-flop on gay marriage. She was against it until she decided to run for president and wants the gay vote. Click here to learn about Hillary's New Deal.
Obama's government and his goatish followers pound the drum Obama wants, and do what they're told — or else.
THAT is the very definition of dictator-led tyranny.
Mexican-Americans know well what tyranny is. My parents lived through the Mexican Revolution and told bedtimes stories so future generations remember. Simply said, it's when tyrants govern the people.
It's when a sovereign nation dissolves into rule by a socialist dictator. It's when laws are ignored. You see, mobs keep the people fighting while the tyrants in power rob the people blind.
"Tax and Tax, Spend and Spend, Elect and Elect, because the people are too damn dumb to know the difference." That was the cry from Harry Hopkins, who was a Soviet agent and the closest and most influential adviser to Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II.
Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt in May 1941 said, "You know I am a juggler, and I never let my right hand know what my left hand does. I'm perfectly willing to mislead and tell untruths…" Lying worked for Roosevelt, and Democrats have been using deceptive attacks ever since.
He has done little, if anything, to empower Blacks, except when he can use random Black grievances to further his own agenda. Think about that.
It's to Barack Obama's advantage to keep Americans unhappy with authority. The NEW Democratic party of Obama-Biden-Hillary can then sweep in, take control and keep control, more easily.
It is easier to "Change America" when people don't pay attention, point fingers, disagree, fight among themselves, isn't it?