January 2021. The talk is that the American Dream is dead, out of reach. To answer that question, you must first know what it is — before you can know it's dead.
Americans don’t really think about the what, why, when, where, and how
that there even is an American Dream. Maybe we’ve lived “it” so long, we
take it for granted?
There’s some history to shed a bit of light on the what, why, when, where, and how.
Our American Dream was established for every American Citizen On July 4, 1776 with the Declaration of Independence.
Our ancestors blood and sacrifice won the American Revolutionary War (1775 – 1783). Victory engraved our independence in history.
On May 29, 1790, the last of the original 13 colonies joined the Uited States. Our U.S. Constitution was ratified as law.
This is when every colonist, every man, woman and child, every race and creed living in “America” at that moment, became “We The People” —our First American Citizens, Everyone was free from British rule. Free to live our dreams.
History records that slave owners, identified as today’s Democrats, continued to treat Black Americans as property. Nonetheless…
That was the Birth of the American Dream.
Those two documents,as well as, the fight for freedom, established the what, why, when, where, and how Americans were free.
Our Core Values collect those wants and wishes into 12 easy-to-understand beliefs.
This means that when We The People are ignored, attacked or treated with disregard for our Constitutional rights, the Republic, Constitution, Core Values and our American Dream are under siege. no different than any typical adversary or enemy of We The People.