Sunday, August 8, 2021

Do Americans Discipline Their Kids Anymore

August 2021. College students forgot they were there to get an education. Where are their parents? Why don't mom and dad grab those mouthy college students by the ear and drag them from school.

There is no discipline — only excuses for this bad behavior.

Black Americans protest and every media and entertainment outlet floods the airwaves with Black faces and voices. Right or wrong, where is respect for law enforcement? Where is our loving nation?

Was this PERMISIVE behavior promoted?  There is no discipline — but there are plenty of excuses to justify bad behavior.

Illegal immigrants deluge America, and yet the media and bludgeoners of America leave off the illegal part.

They criticize anyone for daring to suggest that illegals should leave our country. But that's not all.

Even though illegal lawbreakers are in America without permission, these illegals receive free housing, food and education. Is rewarding them good judgment? Is that your America?

I was brought up by a father who burrowed in my brain that good people follow the rules, obey the laws. From your parents and grandparents, respect for good conduct is the backbone of a person's character. The backbone of America.