Monday, July 4, 2022

American Life Mutilated and Disposable

July 2022, Life has become disposable. Worthless. Mutilated. Our liberty chipped away with unnecessary lockdowns, mandates, censorship, intimidation, blatant threats and prison without due process.

Holidays are ignored, even changed in name and nature. Our Flag has been stomped on, disrespected and burned.

Our national anthem has been silenced, replaced and treated as an embarrassment.

Our history has been tampered with, modified, changed, even shamed.

Monuments have been disrespected, dishonored, disgraced, defaced, torn down and removed. Why?

Maybe it’s so the coming generation won’t learn about or remember the good days when America was a free and independent, safe place.

Over the last few months, under a tyrannical government rule, America’s churches were deemed “unessential.” Their excuse was the China Virus.

Churches of all faiths have been attacked. Closed.

Church goers murdered. Silenced. Denied fellowship. Too many Americans lost faith in God and American values. Stopped making “church” a part of their life. That’s not good, is it?

Domestic enemies started to cash in on their decades-long and wrong trek toward weakening our country.

We all see instances of such treachery. Our open border; cry to defund our police; and of course, the forced China Virus vaccine mandates.