Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Copywriting: Home Business Startup

Home Kitchen Cooks and Stay at Home Moms know how to read and write. That's why copywriting is so attractive to those who want to stuff more dollars and cents into the family cookie jar. Here are a few writing tips good to know.

What a great time to start a home business. If you question that considering the "state of the union" today, don’t think today, think tomorrow.

I've had a home business office for over 20 years. Many many of those 7,300 plus days, I wore my slippers. Sometimes I'm still wearing my nightgown at noon. Not because I'm lazy. It’s because I love what I do, and I can't wait to do it.

What I do rewards me many times more often than the time I devote to it. It really feels good to help others.

Okay, I also have a high work ethic. It's easy to see, isn't it? Come on, you know what I mean.

Anyone, including you, can find and do and say those exact same words. Right?

You can see that I'm not going to hold back. Not after that. Anyway, I want to tell you how you can make $100,000 online. No hype.

Now, I have a lot of beliefs and theories, but all in all, I’m going to do my very best to provide you with what I know and believe.

In truth, the do and don't steps have been crucial to my own success.

When I was clueless years ago, I didn’t quit. I learned. Anyway. I launched a website back then, 19 ninety something I think, and I waited for that WEALTH everyone talked about.

After about three weeks, the light dawned. I needed to be proactive if I wanted to be successful. As soon as I got serious, it took me less than a year. Yes, you have to put in the effort to succeed.

You are going to find a lot of mindset stuff, because IT IS THAT IMPORTANT. I tried, tested, tried and learned real world solutions that I have applied with exceptional results.

Let’s get some ranting and tough love out of the way first. This might sound negative, but...

We all have challenges and nobody is perfect, but when it comes to making $100,000 online, there are a couple of major thoughts I want to get across right off the bat!

First, you need to realize that you want to aim for $X dollars, and you will likely earn less. Maybe a lot less. So plan high, so less is good for you and your family.

Second, you need to sell and market either products or services. A product could be an ebook.  A service would be something like copywriting

There's a story told about the 1800’s when people went west to dig for gold. They wanted to strike it rich. Most went back home empty handed, but a few did strike it rich.  The ones who sold those gold diggers the shovels and tools, are the one who made serious money right away. Those shovels were in high demand. These merchants provided the “supplies” that were in high demand. Lesson learned?