Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Jelly Bean Calendar

Mom never stops
being your mother
Here’s food for thought. Wouldn’t it be easier to decide what to do with each day of your life, if you knew where you are inbetween birth to death?  

When it comes to the question, “When is my life going to end?”  Here’s a little hypothetical that works as well as any “guesswork.”
Choose something small like marbles, pebbles or pennies. You’re going to use the one you choose to visualize your life. Let’s use “pennies”  or jelly beans, for this example.

Each “penny” will represent a day in your LIFE.

1. Find a clear glass or plastic container. It could be a jar, box or crate. It should be large enough to hold 36,500 “pennies.” And small enough to rest on your nightstand or dresser, a place you can easily view every morning.

Get TWO. Mark one LIFE and the second one SPENT.

2. If you live to 100 years old and there are 365 days a year, then you have 36,500 days. That’s IF you live to be t00. Let’s assume you like the artsy look of JELLY BEANS..

Get 36,500 multi-colored jelly beans. You can exchange 36 dollars and 50 cents for 36,500 pennies at any bank. If you choose marbles or jelly beans, you still need 36,500 of each small item you choose.

3. Write down exactly how many days you’ve already lived. If you’re 42 years old plus 95 days. That’s 365 for each year. plus 95 days, 15,425 total.

4. Fill your LIFE container with 36,500 “jelly beans.” Remove your age in “jelly beanss.” For this example, you’d remove 15,425 “jelly beans” from the LIFE container. Put the “removed” jelly beans in the SPENT or second container.

5. Place the containers in a place you can easily see every day. Some people set the two containers on a scale with two weight sides.

Look at your containers every day. You can easily SEE how many days you have left in your LIFE IF you live to 100. And you will be able to SEE the days behind you.

Ask, what have you accomplished with those days SPENT? Are you happy?

Whether you’re happy that day or miserable, you can SEE how many days you have LEFT — that is IF you live to be 100 years old.

In the SPENT container, you can see how many days you already spent.
No matter how each day goes, WHEN you can visualize the days LEFT IN YOUR LIFE vs. the days SPENT, it changes the decisions you make. You may be surprised how much difference it will make in the decisions you make first in a few days, then months and after five years. You will have proof what kind of person you are... just by SEEING your LIFE and SPENT containers. It's amazing. Try it.

It really is up to you how you decide to live each day of your LIFE. You are in control of YOU. How you treat others. Whether you’re honest. Who you believe, associate with and treat poorly weighs on how happy you are.

Life is short, even when it’s long. Be happy. Be grand.