Thursday, January 4, 2024

Our Citizen Government

January 2024. The first three words of our  Constitution, “We the People,” affirm that the government of the United States of America exists to serve its citizens.

We count on our government to stop lawbreakers and not become lawbreakers.

We citizens are the government. We choose a few citizens from among us to serve us for a short period of time.
We hire them using the election process. We pay their salaries. They work for us and must do what we say and want. Those in the three branches of government -- who we put there -- can be removed.

They are only temporary employees, job holders, pencil pushers who sit in seats and on benches of our government buildings and tents. They must never forget this. They might start thinking of themselves as privileged, glitterati, elites who don’t have to do what we say and want.

That’s why we have elections. To replace those who no longer serve us. Every American must protect fair and transparent elections, up and down the ladder in the Federal and all State governments.