Sunday, March 24, 2024

Affirm Happy Thoughts

I am in charge of my destiny. I am the builder of my life.

In case you didn’t know, this is a positive affirmation. This simple statement can make you feel happy. It’s true. The right words can produce “Happy Thoughts,” and make you realize how amazing you are.

Life is precious and wonderful, but it's common sense that some days are not always filled with joy.

First, understand the power of suggestion. It’s based on the powerful psychological mechanism that results in whatever the subconscious accepts. Whatever the subconscious accepts... the person believes and acts on it. But, you must get past the "conscious" to reach your "subconscious." You do it with words, repeating those words, and sealing those words with touch.

1. Understand that the subconscious takes things literally, one word at a time, and processes all the associations for those words.

Lingering Word. If you say to yourself "don’t worry," you are actually programming yourself to "worry," because "worry" is being heard by your subconscious. Instead, say "be calm" because the lingering word that the subconscious hears is "calm."

Say to yourself, "I'll be on time" rather than "I'll be late." You want the lingering word to be "on time." When someone asks how you are, the words "not bad" leaves the word "bad" lingering in the subconscious, which then associatse with you, and you associate with yourself. Instead, say "I'm good." Do you see how this works?

The power of suggestion is powerful whether you think it, or say it out loud. “When in doubt on how to say something, focus on what the lingering word is.”

2. Repeat the positive statement. Most experts agree that to learn something, your brain needs to experience it eight times or more. To see this in action, all you have to do is recall the 2012 presidential election ads, which were repeated to ad nauseum. They worked for one candidate. I'll leave it to you to reason why.

After Thanksgiving, advertisers bombard shoppers with "Black Friday" ads. They are trying to reach our subconscious, so we'll buy from their store. Repetition is the key. It works.

When someone asks how you are, say "I'm good. I'm good." Say good words first thing when you wake up in the morning, and again when you brush your teeth and again... and again.

3. Finish with the power of touch. It doesn't need to be a big one. A one-time hand clap is good enough. Families have been doing this for generations.

Mom hugs her child [touch] and says, "I love you" [positive words].

In our society, people use touch to say hello, goodbye, nice job... In just about any business meeting, men and women shake hands. One pats the other on the shoulder to send a message. Women give women friends a quick hug. After a date, couples might touch with a little goodnight kiss on the cheek. Touch seals the deal, so to speak. it's the glue that helps your brain remember your words, It works.

(1) Saying and hearing good words; (2) repeated often, and (3) with a little touch works. It's healthy. It's smart. It's magic. Use these three steps to teach yourself to feel good about yourself. Pass it on.