Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Dad's Wisdom: Know Who Your Mother Is

“Every child should know who their mother is.”

Many “think” they know, but have they inquired? All most sons and daughters have is what they experience. What they see and hear. What they guess. Yup! Guess. Too often, they jump to conclusions. Assume. Some, innocently. Some have self interest. Some, to their own detriment, just don't care.

You see, first and foremost, you are a child of God. God gave you LIFE. Your “body” grew inside a woman's body. You were nurtured, kept safe and lived month after month before you were born.

For me, my mother made it clear that I wasn’t wanted. There's no doubt in my mind that she would have aborted me if she could have. My mother wasn't kind to me. In fact, she made my life very difficult. But I thought that’s the way living was. I didn’t know different.

As a child, I didn’t realize then, that my dad knew she wasn't very motherly toward me. So much so, after a few unexcuseable encounters, he never left me alone with her again.  So you can guess my surprise when my dad told me to never feel bitter toward her, but give her courtesy and respect.

Of course, I questioned why? I could always talk with my dad. Why did I feel that way? I knew who he was.

I know many sons and daughters don't know who their parents are.

I don't mean what is mom's favorite flower or why did my dad always dress tha way he did. He never wore bluejeans or sandals.

I mean WHO he is, inside, in his heart and soul. What his values are, what's important to him, and what he wanted for me in the future.

I knew my dad, because when I was young, I asked him... many questions. When I grew up, I asked him different questions. My dad told me how he felt and why. He taught me lessons from his experience. He told me stories about his childhood, the lessons he learned and how much he loved his mother.

There’s no doubt my dad loved his mother with all his heart. Through my eyes, she was a good and kind mother, but she had her cantankerous moments. She didn’t alway approve of what he did, and he strived to maintain her approval.

I remember the day, dad explained, and i always gave my mother courtesy and respect because of what he told me.

You see, my dad was a man of God. He didn't share it openly. He didn't speak of his faith, but he lived the path God chose for him. That I’m sure.

He explained that they way I treat others is up to me. Me, and only me,

He said, someday, I will answer to God for my behavior in LIFE. What I do and say. How I treat others. HOW I choose to treat my mother is for me to decide, not her.

I could choose to give her the courtesy any human being deserves. I could choose to remember she gave birth to me. If not for my mother, I wouldn't have a LIFE to live. I could choose to ignore and avoid her. I could choose to use angry words to tell her how much she hurt me.
On the outside, I concluded my mother wasn’t a happy person. Maybe she had issues in her life that caused her to be miserable. Maybe she felt alone. Maybe her dreams never came true. I don't know. I didn't know her at all. I never asked.

My dad said to treat her as if she's the best mother on earth.

Of course, my dad was right. After my mother passed, I felt good that I had chosen the right way to treat her. It wasn’t easy. I have no regrets. I feel happy that I was the best daughter I could be. God would like that.

I hope Dad’s Wisdom helps you, like it helps me.

You would have liked my dad. He would have made you feel as though you were the most important person he's ever met.

I know he would have liked you. Have a wonderful day. Give someone your smile today.