Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Dad's Wisdom: Who Are Your Frends?

“You are only as good as the people you allow to be around you.”

My Dad loved people, and people loved him.

His family really loved him and loved being around him. I loved him so much with every fiber of my being. He never lectured me. He was just a good example. He gave me his time, and he answered my questions. That's just a peak at who my Dad was.

He showed me that even through my Dad was maliciously persecuted, simply because he was a Mexican American man living the America Dream, he never wavered.

In hindsight, I can see that my dad succeeded, at least in part if not entirely, due to strong family support. Yes, my Dad was surrounded by the warm blanket of family love.

That love was so strong, I still feel it all these years after his death.

Of course, he had people he did business with; people he had coffee with, those he shared a laugh with, in addition to those important people he called family.

I can tell you, my dad never put outsiders above his family. Yes, there were family squabbles, but that's normal. Those rude moments were gone in a day, if not minutes or seconds.

I personally never heard my dad say a bad word to or about anyone. Never. Not ever.

No matter how faithful and loyal a “friend” might be, my dad never betrayed his family.

I could see why he was such a good and wise dad. I realized that even with all the temptation he must have faced, he followed what God taught him. What his mother taught him. He avoided the seven sins: pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth.

One day after I had kids of my own, I asked him why he didn’t do what he wanted, instead of what his family, especially his mother advised.

“You are only as good as the people you allow to be around you,” he told me as he took my hand.

Who are the people you allow to be around you?  Has one or more so-called friends caused you to isolate yourself from family?

Have you changed even one thing about what made you the man or woman you were raised to be? Have you abandoned your heritage? Your values?

I hope Dad’s Wisdom helps you, like it helps me.

You would have liked my dad. He would have made you feel as though you were the most important person he's ever met.

I know he would have liked you. Have a wonderful day. Give someone your smile today.