Sunday, December 23, 2012

My Silly Blog

Hello blog, I back on again with my silly blog ramblings about What Mom Says. It's an exciting morning. After all, it is Christmas Eve Eve. I'm wondering whether to load up my food plate with proteins and vegetables more than I do.  I mean in just two days the table will be covered with high fat, carbs and sugar-filled desserts. Yum! Can't wait.

Should I eat more proteins and vegetables to balance out any indulgence coming my way?  I think it's difficult for many who are healthy conscious to walk away from Christmas sweets. But isn't it okay to indulge and enjoy once or twice now and then without ruining health or fitness goals? Hum. Yes. I want to maintain my good health. Doesn't everyone?

Well, fact is, when I discipline myself to avoid all pastas, pastries, desserts and anything other than fish, chicken or beef with vegetables, I notice the difference immediately in increased energy and a smaller waistline. But come on' -- it's Christmas goody time. Do I have to??? Really?

Another practice that helps me -- is to eat breakfast like a queen, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. Okay, that's a cliche, but it is a good one.

What nutritionists have found is that when you consume eighty percent of your daily calories before 2:00 in the afternoon, you actually lose weight, compared with another person who eats the identical amount of food, but who eats most of their food at dinner time, after 2:00 in the afternoon. Good golly, miss molly. Makes sense to me.

When you eat a healthy, nutritious breakfast followed by a nutritious lunch five hours later, and then eat a light dinner, you can notice a difference in your weight almost immediately.

If you simultaneously stop eating all desserts and sweets of any kind (I don't think I can), including soft drinks and alcoholic beverages, that alone changes your energy levels immediately and leads to a slimmer waist and greater levels of fitness. Hmmm, that's a bit motivating, isn't it?

Everyone knows that in addition to lean source protein and lots of fruits and vegetables, you should drink about eight large glasses of water per day.

Did you know that the average person doesn't drink much water throughout the day? Who doesn't get it that when you drink eight glasses of water a day, you keep your entire system flushed out. But hey! That averages one 8 oz glass of water every hour of the main part of the day. Who can do that? I guess people who want to feel good do that.

Water helps your body to remove excess salts, sugars, toxins, waste products and everything else. It's called "hydration." It is NOT possible for a person to drink too much water. Any water that your body does not require is simply passed through. Water also helps to control your appetite and give you more energy. How great is that?

The message from my sill blog today is to up your servings of proteins and vegetables and drink more water anytime, all the time, especially when you plan to eat sweet treats. Merry Christmas Eve Eve. See you soon.