Monday, December 24, 2012

What Not to Eat Before Bed

Tis' the night before Christmas and everyone's snuggled in the bed for a good night's sleep. But some have trouble going to sleep. Oh no! There's evidence from medical professionals about how certain foods inhibit sleep when eaten one or two hours before bed.

It's true that there are many reasons that keep a person from falling asleep, but who thought that nighttime snacks are high on the list.
For example, many people make the common mistake of drinking a sugary beverage or a glass of wine before going to bed.

Most know to avoid coffee at night. It has caffeine. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, alleviating fatigue, increasing wakefulness, and improving concentration and focus. That's NOT what you want before you go to bed, is it?

Chocolate has caffeine, too. Don't eat chocolate late at night and avoid a cup of hot cocoa before bed, too. In fact, avoid all sweets before bed. A recent study has shown that 7 out of 10 people who eat junk foods like ice cream and candy bars before bed are more likely to have trouble sleeping and even be prone to nightmares.

You want to skip snacks that are full of spices like garlic and salt before bed. Avoid fatty food snacks and carbohydrates, such as potato chips and pasta before bed. Celery is a natural diuretic, and not a wise choice before bedtime if you want an uninterrupted night's sleep.

Alcohol interferes with sleep patterns and keeps you awake, which is just the opposite of what you want. Alcohol, including wine, is thought to make you sleepy, but in reality alcohol interferes with restorative functions of sleep, providing shallow sleep and nighttime awakenings.

All of these types of foods can cause acid reflux or other discomforts that interfere with sleep and keep you up at night. Ideally, you want all your bodily functions at peace.

Red meat is loaded with protein and fats, but red meat also produces high levels of iron and tryptophan which help sleep. Eat red meat for dinner, but don't eat red meat an hour or two before bedtime.

According to the Mayo Clinic, a few foods that help you sleep are peanut butter on toast, almonds, bananas and decaffeinated Chamomile and green tea. Sleep tight. Have a Merry Christmas tomorrow.