Bailey had the nips when he was younger. Puppy nipping is common, especially when you and your puppy are playing. This ordinary puppy instinct is seemingly harmless, but soon hurts as puppy's sharp little toothies turn into big dog teeth. Gerouch!
Teach your puppy early to never press down on your hand with his teeth, and he will be much less likely to bite later in life [although nipping is not really related to a biting dog]. Many people think so.
Puppy is trying to communicate with you, his master. One of his tools to do this is his mouth. You want communication, but not nipping. The best way to train your puppy to stop nipping is to direct his urges away from your hands with puppy toys. Your puppy needs a variety of toys that are fun to play with and also satisfy his desire to nibble and chew.
Soft, plush toys are a good choice, especially those with bright colors and rubber dog toys invite puppies to chew and bite. But choose wisely, because big dog breeds... even when a puppy... can destroy a toy, put big holes in it, or eat part of a toy... all of which is not good for your puppy.
Start training your puppy the very first time you play with him and every time thereafter. Puppies as young as eight weeks old can be trained with little effort. If your puppy starts to bite as you play, always respond with “ouch” and stop your playtime for about 10 seconds. If your puppy continues nipping when you resume your play, turn your back on him for a moment.
Turning your back on puppy each time he bites helps him realize that nipping ends his playtime. He won't like that. Soon, he will stop the habit. Your dog wants to play with you, and most puppies and dogs want your praise and approval, and will behave the way you want in order to get it... and that includes stopping the nips... to continue playtime.
Start training your puppy each time he bites down hard and slowly work toward ending the habit altogether. Never scold or hit a dog. That's just makes more interaction [although negative] and your dog wants interaction. Keep interaction positive and use your indoor voice. Puppy will respond with delight.
That's the tip of the day, blog. Have a happy no-nip doggie day!