Friday, March 25, 2011

Meaning of The Work Week

What is the work week? Hmmm. I have a smart daughter and we bantered about this not-spoken of subject.  Let me see. There are 4 or 4.3 weeks in a month. 52 weeks in a year. Tons of weeks in a lifetime. Seven days in one week, but generally, just 5 work days in a week (for most jobs anyway).

A typical  calendar format starts with Sunday and goes across the straight line to Saturday. My honey thinks the format should start with Monday, because God created the world we know in seven days and rested on the last day, Sunday… the official day of rest for many. For christians, it's go to church day and the day to be thankful… although when I think about thankful, I pray my thanks every day and night, too. Often in-between morning and evening. But that's just me.
Monday is what I call the money day. It's the day I'm fresh and ready to get the week going. I feel ready and attack my day with vigor.

I think that the next day, Tuesday, some people are a little weakened from being exhausted from the  money chase of Monday. My energy engine still roars and I make the most of every working minute. Not so sure about others.

Wednesday is hump day. It's like a camel, a workhorse of an animal. But this reference means middle, not the hump on a camel. [Yes] Wednesday is in the third day of a five day work week. It's in the middle.

By Thursday, works settles down some and you might relax into an everything's okay state unless you're running around putting out fires still blazing from Monday.

Friday, the last day of the traditional work week, is all down hill. Work be done, it's is the day to coast and watch the clock as it ticks down to 5:00 pm. That's the typical go-home time for most office workers.

For me, I am self-employed, so my clock just keeps ticking. I love that. That is what I love. I work when I choose to. Rest when I feel tired. Hoorah!

Bailey is a snoozer… unless it's playtime. Chase the ball he loves… every day.

That's it, blog. Have yourself the week that's best for you!