Today is my grandson's birth day. I remember my daughter giving life to this child as if it were yesterday. I see the expression of adoring love on her face like turning the page back in the magazine of time. She was so happy and excited. She still is.
I give kudos to Kim because she is such a good mom, and mom be good is why Kory is such a heart full of joy. What a precious precious person he is. I know it's not manly to use such words as sweet, precious, kind, lovely and beautiful, but Kory is all this and so much more. He is a bloom in the family garden. He is loved beyond measure and he loves back multiplied by infinity.
For me, he is one with my heart and he always will be. The ultimate love for grandchild born from the ultimate love of daughter. Deserved in so many ways.
Today, I give thanks for this wonderful young person who makes my days on God's earth so happy. I wish him joy, happiness and good health today and everyday that follows.
I sent him a text this morning, and promptly received a text back. I know that's the way of the world we live in, but seeing his words
That's it, blog. Have a happy day celebrating with the one called Kory