Monday, May 30, 2011

7 Steps to Take on This Happy Memorial Day 2011

Happy Memorial Day. Hello blog watchers. I hope you are well. This is Monday, the culmination of the Memorial Day Weekend, and the time to respect and honor those who defend and die serving in the military for the sake and benefit of you and me.

It is a day to remember. Celebrate. Thank the good men and women who are extraordinarily brave and generous. These good people are among the finest of the fine. True and more.

It is a good day to remember for sure. Those who have gone and done should be commended for their choices and deeds.


For many, Memorial Day means time off from work. It's a 3-day, long weekend. A brief holiday. A mini vacation.

Memorial Day weekend is sometimes considered "the unofficial beginning of summer" and because of the 3 days off, many people head to the ballpark, beach or back yard barbecue picnic to take advantage of the expanded weekend.

But this day is more than an extra day off, and  most do pause to pay tribute to the fallen. Flags fly. Events at cemeteries are observed. Speeches given. Wreaths placed. Regular people like you and me join our neighbors, politicians and veterans on this holiday to bring attention and observe the meaning of this day. I have to think how small all this is when compared to the service given freely for us and ours. It so feels not enough.

Many people believe that Memorial Day is a day to honor those who have died, but I feel strongly that honor goes to all who serve and have served, as well as those now passed. Yes. True. Honor the living.

I believe we should celebrate people when they live so they know they are celebrated now and then as well. I am sure about this. When the dearly departed is first departed… honor I say. Not party. Why celebrate when grief is ripe? Why get together to share a meal and conversation just then? I am baffled and befuddled by this show all smiles and laughs at a time when grief pierces the heart vivid like a dagger dripping life be gone. Why make a spectacle out of the end of a loved one's life when the feeling of loss is at its highest? I do not know. I suffer in silence, and to none do I owe explanation. None. But made up story.

That be said, it is good to remember. Hold dear. Summon up. Ring a bell. Keep forever especially on the anniversary of such an utter loss. Especially for our loved ones and heros. Remembering is for you. True. But for the departed…

Celebrate life during life is my desire, and add to that the honor for good deeds of those who lived and died. Celebrate life during life. Most and many do overlook this little step. Too busy I guess. [sad am I if this be true for you] Tell me now. No party for me when I am gone. Too late I say. Now. Honor. Now celebrate. Now. Give love and respect. Now. I say. Now.

From public ceremonies and moments of silence today, Memorial Day, Monday May 30, we Americans honor the sacrifices of military men and women who paid the ultimate price in service to our great nation. Let us too show thanks for the sacrifices military men and women who still live, did and do make. Honor those still living. Now. I say.

Celebrating and honoring fellow Americans on this Memorial Day is good. Right. Deserved. Due. This day's recognition is so special as it does stretch beyond loved ones we know, and wraps our thanks around those we don't know, just as they didn't know us when they agreed to serve… and gave their life. These good ones. Veterans. Giants and Heros. Who chose to live and die. Defend. Preserve. Safeguard. To you goes heartfelt thanks on this day and every. The one and military all.

[Yes] Take a bigger than small step today. If you're making plans this Memorial Day, consider doing a bit more than hamburger and chicken:

  1. Visit a battlefield or military cemetery.
  2. Participate in a special Memorial Day ceremony or prayer service.
  3. Stop by a national park or living history museum.
  4. Attend a concert or watch a Memorial Day event on TV.
  5. Watch or take part in a parade in your community.
  6. Honor the living with shouts of thanks. 
  7. Hang the flag, remember and be grateful.
However you choose to celebrate Memorial Day this year, I wish you good memories. Happy celebrations. Peaches and cream. Fragrant gardenias.

That's all for today.