Recently a survey revealed the best family dog or rather the most sought-after breed of dog for the family home with or without children. I couldn't believe it. Amazing. Guess what dog breed best suited for the family is?
It's my Bailey. Happy am I. [Yea!] My Bailey is the best by me first and then everyone else agrees too. Yea! Bailey is a Chocolate Lab. Pure breed. Yes. Smart. Oh yes he is.
Big? Ginormous for a Lab. 134 lbs was he, when top of the scale average be 80 lbs, but Bailey now a meager 110 after watchful diet and exercise. It's true. Healthy dogs need to watch their figures. Imagine that. Healthy is as healthy does for dogs, me and you, too. Taking care of your body is good.
Here's a bite [not dog bite, oh no but simply a snipit] of history to better understand how this good dog became more to be so good. Good and popular. Yes, the Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular breeds in the United States. I think I understand why.
This pup and breed did start originally from Newfoundland, Canada [good neighbors of ours] where the Labrador pure was trained to jump overboard and into the icy waters he did swim. This faithful pup did do the dog paddle to get and fetch fisherman's nets to shore. [So cold but pure, this dog did well the job sent to do.]
Then this dog done well was brought to England where it is said that this breed, the Labrador, learned more again the sharpened go-and-get instincts that then were honed and more purely developed. Retriever was now retrieved.

He is a Labrador Retriever. Retriever he is. Retrieve he does. Go. Fetch. Render. Power on four legs. That's our Bailey.
Power of purpose. [Yes] But that's not all this amazing dog is and does. It's said that the Lab is one of the best family dogs, a canine companion like no other… because of his gentle, loving disposition. For Bailey valid. Right on. On the nose. But note this pup is one of the most highly trainable dogs who also excel as a guide for the blind and as a service dog for the disabled. Truly more than a running retriever, this wonderful dog retrieves wishes and dos as well as get-me and bring-me.
It's to trust that this wonderful dog [breed], especially so with our Bailey, is loving, lovable and very patient. Highly intelligent, eager to please, and high spirited. Lively and good-natured. Loves to play, especially in water. He's not aggressive with people or other animals. Just super friendly. A welcome face eager is he. Bailey loves children, sniffing and snoozing.
As for this dog breed's conduct, here are the behavior traits I know to be faithful with the dog I love to live with:
- Children: Excellent with children.
- Friendliness: Loves everyone.
- Trainability: Very easy to train.
- Independence: Moderately dependent on people.
- Dominance: Moderate.
- Other Pets: Generally good with other pets.
- Combativeness: Not generally dog-aggressive.
- Noise: Average barker.
- Indoors: Moderately active indoors.
- Owner: Good for novice owners.
Living the good life with my dog adds so much joy to every day living. Woof Woof Ruff Ruff. Bailey is the best dog. Love love love him. He's so much a part of our family, it's almost like having another person living with us. Spoiled rotten for sure, but we get back so much more than we can ever possibly give. There's nothing better than living life with our dog Bailey.
That's all for today.