Happy day. It's mother's day and I am the mother of three, but that's not all. Today is also my birthday falling on this mother's day every now and plus years. Extra extra. Here's the news and it's good news. But who without child knows the joy of looking into the eyes of the most joyous moment in life.
I was born and I born 3. Three wonderful children that I celebrate with fond memory the day my children each made me a mother more. How can a holiday be better for a mom? Ring the bell. Clang goes the clong.
Being born I wonder, as I put snapshot to mind, what will happen on the path left set before me. As I approach each birthday hence, I pray for good as I reminisce about what has gone before. Good and not so good as life presents.
Celebrating mother's day nor birthday is a national holiday on the calendar but more a simple social custom done for and by family and some friends. Since ancient time, research says, that in astrological lore, one's birthday is an especially good fortune day. Following this is joy. Yes.
Many birthday buffs suggest that doing anything of major importance on your birthday has an extra solar boost of a once-a-year infusion of universal good will and luck. If only true then lottery ticket here I come. [smiling now]
Find more luck on your Golden or Grand Birthday, otherwise know as your Lucky Birthday, Champagne Birthday or Star Birthday. This luck emerges more when you turn the age of your birth day (e.g, when someone born on the 10th of the month turns 10). For me, that day passed when I was 8 in May early on.
Wikipedia says that a birthday is a day of recognition when loved ones celebrate and lay tribute to the birthday girl or boy often with a party signifying the year lived past. If so, then know this my children, you are my party heart. Festivities galore. Every day. Every day. My pride and joy.
As I look upon this duo day, I celebrate my three and they me. This celebration is the gift given daily, but on this day, each and all three do always add extra dance to the dance. More and more bestowed. Can a smile more expand when expand be ear to ear? I thank my children. I love my children as a mother should and show. I do I do I do. You each. A gift, the best. No more could a mother ask. You alone. Just you. Be and breathe is my welcome gift. Today. And always. My heart sings with thanks. Hear the music in my heart sung for you. Each of you.
These are your days as well as mine.
Interesting it is to know how many people celebrate your birthday day as well as you? Non family I mean. The public it is, which records report birth days in the US are quite evenly distributed meaning here are 2 and 2 there are for this day and month. Except September and October which have more than the rest. This may be because nine months before are cozy time holidays and also longer nights than any other. Trivia to but ponder.
My birthday is not September or October, but May. How lucky is one who is a mom and has the fortune of her birthday landing on the same day as Mother's Day? Happy am I to be this lucky.
The celebration of my birthday by my children is such a day I look forward to. When the day is just near mother's day it always brings double excitement.

I believe that this day and Mother's day make for the happiest of heart be mine because and only because I have the most awesome children in the universe. I wish and pray that my children experience this joy of joys now that they have children most grown some not.
Of course, my honey recognizes my birthday with glee and glad, not meaning to overlook this special miracle of husband mine... but the child that makes me mom and children that make mom's heart sing and song turn the sunshine page in my book of life for me the birthday mom.
Mother's day is the second Sunday in May and my birthday falls on this propitious day on May 8th 2011. Again to celebrate this auspicious day I can in the year 2016. Oh no, I'll be 5 years older, but what is good is still alive and living years from now till then.
Age beyond young unfortunately or fortunately does contribute to the awakening of life marching down to the end of the jubilee road. Not to dwell on what some say is sad, let me pronounce what a lucky life I have to be blessed first with the birth of me [thanks mom and dad] and then to the birth of my three. What a triumph. [Fanfare] Red letter day. It's all good.
That's all for today from the birthday mom.