Thursday, August 4, 2011

How Hot is Hot in a Texas Heat Wave

A Texas heat wave has gone on so long that it's impossible to not mention it. How hot is hot. Well, count your blessings if you live in a non hot part of the country because here in Texas we've experienced 36 days of triple-digit temperatures. Yes, that's 100 up to 110 degrees. That is hot.
The bad news is that our air conditioner went out. In didn't take long for the inside of our house to heat up to near 90 before the repairman could get to us. Luckily, the HVAC company who works with us showed up within a few hours, which is pretty astounding given the number of calls they probably get as this heat wave rages on. Get this. I called at about 3pm and he knocked on our door before 7pm. Now that's fast.

But because our home was heating up fast due to the outside heat, we had to buy one of those box fans, use cold bags on our face, soak our feet in an ice water bath, and wash our legs and arms with an ice soaked washcloth every 10-15 minutes. It was inconvenient and uncomfortable for us, but Bailey suffered, too. So he took a couple of cold baths as well, and laid down in front of the fan on the usually cool tile (better than warm carpet).

Well, luckily we survived yet another disaster. So far, if I am remembering correctly, it's been the garage door incident, new oven, toilet fiasco, bathroom floor waterfall, plus replacing the kitchen sink, faucet, garbage disposal, dishwasher, refrigerator repair and I know I am leaving something out. Oh, yea, the numerous trips to the dentist and the dentist bill that followed, or should I say, preceded the several root canals and crowns.

Today, the handle on the microwave ripped off unexpectedly. Ouch! How are we gonna fix that??? The garage door opener doesn't close the garage door; it has to be closed from inside the garage manually. Another fix to be done. At this rate, we may be broke by Christmas. Maybe sooner, and that's not good news given the state of the economy, the stock market, housing, jobs and money in general. Double ouch!!

The grass is burning up. One of our beautiful trees looks like it's dying. Most all of the plants and flowers are dying or suffering from the heat. And that's the short version.

There is no thought of cooking, especially no way are we turning on the oven. We don't even want to be outside long enough to grill. It is hot!