Saturday, September 5, 2020

Give Thanks and Be Happy

Mom never stops
being your mother

Every one feels depressed now and then, but especially over the holidays. Problems can feel like a huge burden and that interferes with feeling happy.

No matter how tough times are, strive to be happy now. Life is short, and there is no time to waste feeling poorly, sad, or angry.

I've certainly had my share of unhappy times, sad moments, and thoughts of "why me."

Here are a few tips that I have used to feel better and face the day without focusing on the bad that seems to go with the good:

1. Begin and End Each Day with Thanks

Speaking of blessing, it really feels good to give thanks. You've heard the story of the man with no shoes who felt depressed, until he met a man with no feet. Many people do not have what you might have taken for granted. Write down all the good that you have and are thankful for.

Just thinking of what makes you feel grateful: a small helping from your workmates, a kiss or hug from your lover, a praise from your boss or friends, a remainder from your parents and a pleasing life you enjoy now and so on. You can make a gratitude list or just say “thank you” silently in your heart.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Dehydration causes the body to feel sluggish and tired. Drinking water is like watering the wilting plant. It is refreshing and provides energy to think about all the good you've been blessed with.

3. Live for Today

It is easy to feel good every day because life is full of small pleasures. Open your eyes and pay attention to the good and recreate feelings that life is good. Hear the sound of laughter, smell the flowers, and think happy thoughts. Repeat positive affirmations so your brain hears your words.

When you think about the bad times in the past, you impact your now. This generates feelings of failure and resentment. There is nothing you can or anyone else can do about your past mistakes or things that haven’t gone the way you would have liked them to. People who have harmed you or hurt your feelings, did it in the past and constantly thinking about them is only going to make you sadder. Instead, think of the NOW moment, what is it that you can do to make yourself happier NOW?

4. Email or Text Loved Ones

Staying connected with like minded friends and family keeps you happy. Living in isolation can get boring and sometimes depressing as you get disconnected from the outside world. Call up, text or email friend(s) and family to catch up with what’s going on in their life. If you don’t feel like calling up a friend, or feel awkward calling someone after being away from them for long time, go to the local library, local coffee shop or a park and just spend time in a place where there are other people. See yourself as part of a larger community.

5. Go for a Walk

Exercise is not only healthy, but it changes a person's mood for the better. Going for a walk in fresh air can lift up your mood and make you feel good instantly. You might even run into another walker and strike up a pleasant conversation, who knows?

Take the dog for a walk.

6. Smile

It is proven that a smile is not only action from the physical body, but also the expression of feelings. A smile gives you that feel good feeling. It makes you are alive. There are plenty of reasons to smile every day. So smile. Smile.

7. Plan to Be Happy

The most important thing you can do every day is... plan to be happy every day in advance. It is easy to be happy when you plan to be happy.

That's it for today, blog. Happy Thanksgiving.