Friday, January 24, 2020

Bailey Gone

December 2019  It was a sad sad Christmas without our beloved Bailey. He was 13 years and 5 days old. Is  it right to cry and cry and cry over the loss of a dog? I loved him so much.

 He went with us everywhere. We traveled. We made sure the hotel accepted pups. All the pups who lived with us were good, but Bailey was special.

Bailey RIP
My puppy dog has been an important part of my happiness for many years, especially since being self employed. He's my work from home dog and provides more than "bark your head off" security. He offers unlimited companionship and unconditional love.

When you have a dog, for most, the dog quickly becomes a member of your family. You care for them and form close ties as if your dog is a human. That's the way it is with most family pets. That's absolutely the way it is at our house.

Bailey was a Chocolate Lab. According to the breeder, he would grow to be about 60 to 80 lbs, a typical weight for labradors. At a Vet weigh-in on his first birthday, he stepped on the scale and pushed the needle to 134 lbs. Not quite the 60-pound dog we envisioned.

There's no doubt in my mind that he alerts our family to danger and although never really tested, I feel confident he would fight to protect his family.

In fact, dogs are pets who are a vital part of the family and home. They eat, drink and sleep just like we do. Sometimes I think our dog is smarter than we are. He protects our home. He guards us. He is always nearby.

According to the American Pet Products Organization, in the United States, 63 percent of households have at least one pet at home. That works out to approximately 71.1 million homes and an astonishing 382.2 million animals. Pet owners spend upward of $45.4 billion on pets, pet products and pet food.

I love dogs. When I was 7 years old, my sister pushed me off the garage roof, and my sweet black cocker spaniel barked to call for help and then stayed by my side the whole time. I can't think of any relationship that is more precious than the one I have with my dog.

Since I was a girl, I've cared for and loved many dogs from my cocker to little dogs like my 10-pound long haired Lhasa Apso to the now 134 lb. black lab. I keep notes in my diary, now I call it my journal. I notice dogs. All dogs.

I believe I understand dogs, and I know my dog knows exactly what I am saying. I often wonder if, in fact, dogs are a whole lot smarter and wiser than most people give them credit for. Bailey has learned the "routine" so well, he herds me. You know, noses me, scoops my arm, nudges my knee, reminds me it's time for the next to-do.

Sometimes, it's lunch, nap time with a good book or time to take a walk. Yes, I read to him and believe it or not, he eyes me and listens. Smart? Absolutely, he is so smart. In fact, we could all take a lesson or two from dogs. Be kinder to each other. Respect each other's space. Give, rather than take. Wouldn't that be great.

PBS reports that "man's best friend" is smarter than we ever thought, with a brain that resembles our own in ways we never imagined.

I don't think I am so tuned in as to be a 'dog whisper' like Cesar Millan, but I do believe many people have a gift that allows dogs to know them and feel their thoughts. Maybe it's a certain scent that dogs can smell.

I can tell you one thing that can't be disputed. Bailey was well treated, well cared for, appreciated. He deserves to be and was. Our dog was the happiest dog on the planet. I guarantee it.

He was an indoor dog and has his own bed, [people] blankets, [people] pillows, [people] TV chair, table for his food and water and baskets of toys, bones, treats, his own car seat belt, sweater [although not needed much], combs, brushes, bath soap... I could go on, but you get my meaning. "You get what you give." I guess the golden rule applies to dogs as well as humans, doesn't it?

I'm a firm believer that dogs are a vital part of the home and family. Most of all, if you are self employed and have an online home business, a puppy dog can provide a link from loneliness to that feeling of companionship everyone needs. Dogs can be a life saver in more ways than one. I miss my Bailey. My heart feels so broken.