Home Kitchen Cooks and Stay at Home Moms know how to read and write.
That's why copywriting is so attractive to those who want to stuff more
dollars and cents into the family cookie jar. Here are a few writing
tips good to know.
If you aren't sure what a freelance copywriter does, or if you're ready to trade your polished shoes for barefoot and slippers, here's some information for you..
u are FREE to work or not work. Make money or take the day off. When you are a “copywriter,” it means write words. That’s it. I have been a freelance copywriter. After working at home, I use my writing skills to write this blog. For this, I don’t earn income per se. I could use “affiliate links” to earn a commission. That’s another lesson.
You can write about the movies, but being a film critic is just one path for a freelance writer.
Freelance anything means to "Do it yourself" for yourself without the financial benefits that traditional employment generally guarantees.
"Being your own boss" also does not offer the frustrations of a traditional job. I'm sure you know what the pros and cons are — and there are many, from steady income to not enough income, to set work hours to traffic and too long hours away from home, inadequate job training and even incompetent supervisors. Did I hit a sore spot?
Sometimes, I think companies promote the dupes just to get them off the floor where the smart and savvy work. Years ago, I had an office manager who refused to let me leave for a family emergency. The heartless b****. Well, you can guess what happened.
Freelancing is wide open to men and women, any age.
The most common fields for a freelancer might be a copywriter or a writer who writes magazine or newspaper articles, web page copy, web promotion, SEO copy, advertising copy, novels, ebooks, movie scripts.
Freelancing is employment from one “person” or small business or a corporation. In any case, it isn't permanent under one employer's roof, but rather, providing a service to many employers on assignment by the hour or day or project, rather than in exchange for a set salary from one employer.
According to Forbes, "Freelancers and independent workers are a growing cadre of the U.S. workforce. They already account for an estimated 16 million workers, and recruiting firm MBO Partners predicts that figure may rise to 65 million if existing trends continue."
Creative endeavors lead the list for freelancing: Online writers and graphic designers, web development and social media services each offer good-paying freelance income. Recently, freelance assignments task to fields in insurance, accounting and managing individual projects in the inspection market.
The best-paying freelance jobs emerged from what was surprisingly held by inhouse personnel for years. Marketing. Marketing managers, coordinators and project managers — with fees from as high as $60 per hour.
"Consultants" in just about any field you can imagine have flowered, especially with the baby boom generation leaving the traditional work force, but still capable, qualified and looking for income.