I think February is when love is in bloom. It's the perfect time to tell you about one of my dad’s best lessons. At least, I think so. It's good to feel love toward your “fellow man.”
Dad’s wisdom is proof that good thoughts remain relevant for decades.
First, it’s so beautiful to recall how much my dad loved people. I’m not sure I know anyone who loves everybody the way my dad did.
I never heard him say a bad word about anyone. Even those nasty ones who called him bad names, He never retaliated. I guess you could say he, “turned the other cheek.”
Freedom of Speech was important to him. But that’s not all. He was always thinking of others.
I saw him buy an armful of hot dogs at one of those fast food walk-ups.
Each hot dog was loosely wrapped in that thin waxed paper. He slathered some mustard across the “dog in a bun” and took a giant bite. I got a “dog,” too, mustard, too. I still l-o-v-e mustard. Just ask My Honey,
Then, he and I would walk along and hand out wrapped dogs to the less fortunate sitting on the ground. All I remember was big smiles. It was wonderful.
Since that childhood memory and the warm feeling that came over me, I’ve tried to keep quiet if someone does or says what offends me. I don’t mean a difference of opinion. You know what I mean. Anyway…
My dad felt particularly strong about how to treat other people. Not just just your sweetheart on "Dare Night" or Valentine’s Day. But everyone, such as your mother, siblings, friends, neighbors, co-workers, those less fortunate, and those who hurt you.
So, dad’s advice was to accept life on life’s terms. Let me say. That’s not easy, but after I did it a few times… you know, practice. I did it without thinking that I should do it.
Accept life on life's terms. Don't be an angry person. Don't threaten others and wave your grievances like a flag. It doesn't work to solve whatever the problem is.
Bad behavior makes people afraid of you; angry with you; and want to get away from you. It puts people on the defensive — and eventually causes YOU more grief.
You can't change what people do, especially after they do it. Rarely can you change how one person feels. Whether you accept it or not, history tells us that the world evolves and changes on its own.
It takes time. Why ruin your today? Why spend even a moment of your precious time on earth feeling upset, angry and afraid? Use the time you have in your life to bring joy into your day. Every day.
I hope Dad’s Wisdom helps you, like it helps me.
You would have liked my dad. He would have made you feel as though you were the most important person he's ever met.
I know he would have liked you. Have a wonderful day. Give someone your smile today.