As the name suggests, the events surrounding these mysteries are those of joy and happiness.
The Joyful Mysteries mainly cover the birth of Jesus Christ and the events that led to his existence on earth.
Members of the Catholic Church are encouraged to pray and meditate on the Joyful mysteries on Sundays and Mondays.
Features of the Joyful Mysteries:
The Annunciation
-Angel Gabriele appears before the Virgin Mary to inform her of the special role that she will play in becoming the mother of Jesus Christ.
The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth
-Elizabeth tells Mary that she is indeed blessed, thus confirming angel Gabriel’s message.
The Birth of Jesus Christ
-Mary gives birth to Jesus Christ in a manger in Bethlehem.
The Presentation of Jesus Christ
-Jesus is taken to the temple in Jerusalem and is presented before God.
The Finding of Jesus In The Temple
-Joseph and Mary find 12-year-old Jesus in temple courts discussing matters of faith with the religious teachers.
There are four sets of mysteries for a total of 20 mysteries. This is one —Source: Catholicism Website