I deserve the best and accept it now.
In case you didn't know, a “positive statement” is an
affirmation. Affirmations refer to the practice of positive thinking and
self-empowerment. It’s believed that the brain is a powerful
subconscious engine that fosters behavior. It can be self-taught
The documented practice of “brainwashing” the brain to reprogram behavior is well known. Chain smokers often stop smoking cigarettes due to a process of brainwashing the brain to reprogram behavior.
When our brain hears a statement over and over again, it’s like a command. The brain generally complies and thereafter controls thinking and behavior.
Do you know someone who did something, and didn’t know why he or she did it? “I don’t know why I did that.” Another example results in a complete modification of a person’s values, and that person may not realize it. A friend or family member may ask, “What are you doing? That’s not like you. It doesn’t make sense.” The answer is likely the result of brainwashing.
See and Say Principles
We can use the same principles of repetition to “teach” ourselves what we want. In other words, When we see and say what we want day after day, we’re teaching our brain to believe it, and our behavior often adjusts to make it happen—even though it’s unconscious.
An affirmation works the same way. You can teach yourself that you want a certain outcome. Someone might think he or she wished, hoped, or prayed for that result. You hear things like “I prayed for it to happen, and it did.” In other words, we don’t even realize that our words and actions often lead to the outcome we affirm. Of course, there are exceptions.
How to Write Your Own Affirmation
The affirmation or statement you make for yourself should focus on you, and what you want and don’t want. It should be a brief statement that meets your needs, and leads to an outcome you want.
Affirmations are positive statements. You only need to use a few words to write what you want to affirm. Tape it on your computer, or put it where you’ll see it. Look at the words. Read the words Say the words out loud and to yourself at least once everyday. Of course, more often would be better. Read it and say it for a week, month of more. It’s up to you.
—Source for these example affirmations are not known.