Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Dad's Wisdom: God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

“Celebrate God Almighty and His Son, Jesus Christ.”

Our family has been Catholic for more than five generations. It’s history that connects us to our ancestors.

I don’t like the current Pope, but I am not so shallow as to walk away from the church of my family because I don’t like a priest or Pope or the homily.

My dad never said so, but I believe he was a devout Catholic. He taught me to love God and follow the teachings of the Catholic bible. He sent me to Catholic school. The nuns wore “Penguin” dresses back then. They were so nice, no polite to us kids, and so very thoughtful. In hindsight, I probably got complete education during my years listening and learning from those Nuns. They were very knowledgeable, informed and eager to teach. I remember Sister Rosario as so nice and kind. I bless her with great thanks.

My dad used to drive me to school and pick me up every single day. After school I go back to his work until it was time to go home.

He worked for the railroad in the depot. It was a two-story building.

One day when I was about nine, matbe 10 years old, I wondered up the work stairs to the upper floor. I don’t remember what was up there. All I remember that day is my dad calling as he thump thump thumped up the stairway. He hurried to me, grabbed me up in his arms, and started kissing my face. He carried me down the stairs to a chair. I’ll never forget it. He didn’t scold me for wandering off. No. He brushed my head with his hand and made the sign of the cross. He told me how much he loved me, and told me if I ever wanted to go upstairs again, he’d go with me. He added, wherever I want to go, he’d be happy to go with… What a memory for a young girl.

I think that was the day God felt alive inside me. 

I made a mistake not asking my mother “why” before she passed away, but at least I know I treated her with respect.

Not one of my children has ever asked me about my life. It’s not as if “they” weren’t there to see for some of it.

I think that’s what hurts most. I always thought my children would surround me with love and attention as time marched on. You know, think of me, their only mother. Make sure I was okay, feeling fine and happy. Make sure I had everything I needed. They’d shower me with their time, because I deserve their time. I was a great mother, and every mother hopes her children will think she is the best mother ever.

I feel as though I’m not worth the trouble it might take to have a caring, loving and attentive relationship with me. No mother should feel this way.

My dad would want me to remember that God loves me.

I hope Dad’s Wisdom helps you, like it helps me.

You would have liked my dad. He would have made you feel as though you were the most important person he's ever met.

I know he would have liked you. Have a wonderful day. Give someone your smile today.