Mom set breakfast on the table for her children. She smiled as happy faces spooned cereal and grabbed the jelly to spread on their toast.
She’d remind her “chicks” to come straight home from school. “Don’t talk to strangers,” she’d repeat like she did so many other times. Some mom's might add, "don't spit on the sidewalk, don't smoke , don't drink, be polite and above all "always love each other." That’s a simple snapshot of morning in an all America home.
Mom’s kitchen moves at a more hustle-bustle pace these days. The family may or may not share the breakfast table at all. It often feels as if every pair of feet in the kitchen hurry in a different direction.
Little Johnny has a half eaten piece of toasted bread hanging out of the side of his mouth. Susie looks for her paper bag lunch. The baby sits in his highchair with a happy face smeared with breakfast. No one realizes that they are all living a "happy family memory" that will stay with them until the day they die. Don't ever forget what makes living life good and safe.