Thursday, April 28, 2011

How to Handle People Who Lie

How do I deal with a nasty unpleasant insincere and lying relative?

It's generally a given that most families have a dislikable human that doesn't play fair. That's the facts.

It's upsetting, but you are the one upset. Not the liar. She is having her fun and probably enjoying it to the fullest. Why spend one second disturbing your emotional well being over something you can't change.

Look at it this way. Say you have 100 chips in your cup of life. You can only take out one chip a day, and this chip either gives you pleasure or misery. Not both. How many of your 100 chips do you really want to use being miserable?

Now, there's certainly more than 100 chips in the cup of life if chips represent days, but you get the point. It is amazing why so many people invest time judging others, criticizing and making their own life unhappy because of someone else's behavior. [No] Do not let other people change your good. Keep your mind's eye on what's good for you. Make your day the best it can be. Reject all thoughts that rain sorrow and misery on even a moment of what is yours. When negative thoughts knock on your mind's door, say, "Go away. I am happy. I am happy. I am happy." Most of all, never put a voice to these thoughts. Do not say bad about bad. Put good words out into the air that surrounds you.