Sunday, May 1, 2011

What Does a Good Son Look LIke?

Many moms know what a great son they have, especially when a young man reaches the age of maturity. Adulthood. Boy to man. Husband. Dad. Son. But what really is a good son? Is it simply the happenstance of being born to the mom? Is it how he looks physically? Hair. Height. Face. Eyes. Cheek to cheek smile? Is a good son about what he says and does?

Of course, all moms love their sons and that's just mother nature. It's how we're built. It's the giving of life and the caring years that follow. It's the bandaids and schooling. Kisses and hugs. Singing and songing. Lullabies and lunches. It's looking into the face of your baby boy and heart exploding with tears of love. Then… there's the son grownup. The gift blossoms. Endows. Unfolds. Plays at liberty. That's when a mom hears a little click above typical that dings the dong. It's music to a mother when a son is a son and every thought, word and deed magnify a mother's mirth. It's the unselfish love of son for mother that beats the heart of any mom. [heart dancing]


When a son is a son and not going beyond because beyond is what a son does for his mother who raised the good son. What I mean is beyond is normal for a good son. Always on. Always there. Always good. And always making mom feel special. Loved. Important to her good son who is quick to cement the mother and son relationship with good more good each day, word and whisper.

I have such a son and it is to my happy heart that this gives me breath to live, eyes to smile, heart full with hymn. 

Never could I say all the goodness that my son is and does. This list is just too long. Hugs so fine. Visits so nice. Calls a plenty with sweetness and joy, never anger. Naught recriminations. No allegations. None a gripe or criticism. Not this son. He is a mother's joy. Thanks to a good son. Praise be a mother's journey on earth and in heaven. [Applause]

With such favor does he do. With enormous gratitude does he deserve. What grace he gets.

[Yes] Any mom with grown up boys can testify that a good son looks like a son who is good to his mom. A fountain filled with love that flows eternally. No splashes. Just a steady stream. Cascade of good. Love shown in so many ways. Who deserves such a gift but a mom who raised a good son.

That's my song today, blog. One week now before the day to celebrate mother. A day to remember. Recall. Respect. Gift and Grant. Generous of time and face. [Yes] Honor thy mother as the bible says. Mother's Day comes and goes but everyday is mother's day when a mother has a good son.

 What's your opinion?