Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to Lose Weight Fast

A diabetic often needs to lose weight or watch the scale. What's the fastest way to lose weight? Good question and I am sure I know the answer. But first… examine closely in mind and heart, how in the world we gained in weight our body did so that now we must consider losing the weight we gained. A hurdle in life that can be avoided but not is.
Of course, there are several ways to lose weight and a gazillion books, CDs, DVDs, dietitians, food eating programs and webinars who would love to take your money and show you the way to weight loss, firm and fitness. Why fork out even one penny doing what you already know to do?

Everyone knows how to lose weight and be fit and healthy, but who faces the reality? It's easier to throw money at the problem. If you have a fitness DVD on the shelf, the advice only works if you pop it in the player and follow the steps. But most don't. Most want to lose weight by osmosis.

There are only two things you can do if you find yourself in a lose weight situation: First, don't just eat less, eat right. That's a no brainer.

The food in, food out process is one that determines how nutrients stay put. Next and number two is no mystery either. Exercise and make it mean something. A short walk is good, but may not be good enough. Exercise is another word for active. Get those arms and legs moving. Work the abs. Step on the treadmill. Take a bike ride even if there's nowhere to go. The easiest thing in the realm of exercise is jog with your dog.

Do the two, and watch the pounds melt away. Be proactive. Start slow. Start fast. it's all in the choices you make and the actions you take. Easy? Difficult? Only you have the answer. But anyone can lose weight if they want to.

That's it today, blog. Have a happy day!